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On February 9th, enter the reworked Crotus Prenn Asylum and Gideon Meat Plant Realms, and witness updated character models for The Nurse and The Clown.
Throughout the year, expect big and impactful visual updates as part of Dead by Daylight’s The Realm Beyond.
As we inch closer to Dead by Daylight’s 5th Anniversary this year, the game continues to look and feel better than ever with new content drops released with our regularly scheduled updates.
For more information about the new update:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.
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#dbd #TheRealmBeyond
The art work is flawless but the movement and hitboxes suck and ui but the clown rework the new default nurse cosmetic the maps just amazing
Por favor melhorem as execuçoes de memento no dead porq tem alguns q ta muito feio ou ate mesmo bugado.
Hit box ridicculous
0:55 nurse drift
Awesome * u *
Everyone is liking these changes but people don’t complain about the bugs that are still in the game
You have to have the horse in there
The new movement is so bad, I want to change of back
The neq Game Map has a loooooooot of pallets
When is the fix on desync
They finally turned the brightness up.
данный патч напроч отбивает желание играть и дело не в багах или другой какой либо дичи – эта переработка анимации бега, движений и поворотов выживших напроч ломают атмосферность игры. Изначально многие сурвы выглядели напряжёнными, испугаными, потеряными – и это придавало значимости в их поимке, на какой то минимальный но всё же процент играя за мана ты чувствуешь что перед тобой жертва которая пытается выжить…. а сейчас что это? Все сурвы теперь выглядят так непринуждённо и нелепо, что будто они не имеют страха и всё что происходит вокруг них это всё в порядке вещей. Про то что они выглядят стоя как "сурикаты" я вообще молчу. И после хита по выжившим картина становиться ещё хуже – они не бегут спасаясь от мана, они лёгким бегом перебирают ногами будто за ними вообще никого нет, они не пытаются выжить…
Может многие посчитают что это всё мелочи, но это по фактуодна из базовых основ атмосферы игры, и разрыбы только что угондош*ли её.
Я очень надеюсь что разрабы знают что они делают, ибо мне как маномейнеру эта обнова стала точкой невозврата, и если в следующих патчах картина будет становиться хуже – я умываю руки.
прошу сильно не засирать, это чисто моё мнение, а как говорится – сколько людей, столько и мнений 🙂
I just want some new killers from gsmes
Will we eventually get any performance update? The game looks nice but it runs awfully bad compared with other games at the same graphical level
Pls repair your game not graphics
This game just keeps on getting worst gameplay wise , loops are shit killers to op. Just because there's allot baby killers, dont mean killer are weak.
This update ruined your game these hit boxes are crazy
Fix hit boxes
Will the pig's crouch and ambush be updated? And so her outfit and the idle, everything
So maniac update
Another news now I play killer and surv disconnect in the lobby i lose pip? It's possible what is this shit
why did you give the game map WALLS?
The biggest Bug update in this Universum.. Moneybirds DeadbyDaylight
nurse be packing
Can yall not nerf DS !!! First do some About tunneling and campers!!! Thats why DS is for!!
Graphic, skins, music, animations… Anything beside fixing hits through walls from 10 metres away and really balancing gameplay…
Ok saw right?? Well the drill weapon from the pig has NO SOUND!! You attack or give a hit and THERE IS NO SOUND!! Can you fix it without ruin the whole game? You better call professional programmers behaviour! Spend some money on people who knows what is doing! And kick off that fat whale community manager or whatever… She is disgusting!! Awful! Is a she or what? FIX THE GAME! Is your only job behaviour and it's not a pretty good job at all!
A bit too bright in some places on the new maps.
Ffuxking ui go to hospital
Best map updated ever bro…
After a 20 min wait to find a match I can’t wait!
When does This drop? Felt like i was in here 2 days ago and only saw a new movement animation and UI
GREAT GAME! WAIT for a F'IN HALF HOUR between EVERY F'IN MATCH just to die in 2-5 minutes with the broke-ass killer hit box, as if the killers weren't already OP enough.
it's so bright, perhaps too bright for a horror, thriller game.
Please make the maps darker for the killer at least I'm tired of the killer seeing me across the entire map.