This game breaking EXPLOIT needs to be fixed… | Dead by Daylight

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Kind of disappointing how buggy Wesker’s release was, I still love Wesker but It’s a little weird that I submitted a ticket a week ago and they’ve gone radio silent, also if you try to recreate this bug, you are very lame 🙁 this is just for awareness purposes!

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28 thoughts on “This game breaking EXPLOIT needs to be fixed… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. So killers powers are tied to the map, which is why you can't get skins for victor and why onis stick thing is always the same. I'm going to guess that it does a check server side and gets stuck in a feedback loop when checking where the survivor is. Which is why it only works with map assets rather than survivor.

  2. its not just him. i got stuck as onryo coming out of a tv and all i could do was go from TV to tv. weirdly enough when they opened the exit gates i could move but it was really laggy and like frame by frame

  3. there is now also an exploit where if the killer has mad grit and they constantly swipe while carrying you, you can't wiggle off anymore (unless the game magically decides you may now wiggle off). Appears to mostly happen to console/controller survivors.

  4. probably a bit rarer but it just happened with me, if you dash at someone at like, the exact frame they finish healing, you'll do the grab animation, but wont actually hold the survivor and you'll be slowed down for the rest of the game and unable to do actions (attacking, hooking, dropping) getting stunned doesnt work, you can grab survivors off of gens but if you do they cant wiggle out so i had to dc, wesker is still horribly buggy

  5. This is amazing! Now every game I play, literally no jokes, I get at least one person trying to dc glitch me or turn on the lag switch. I'm not even kidding
    No matter what killer too. I got "dc tech'd" even with pinhead.

  6. This works on every single killer. I actually recorded footage of it and it happened months ago. Playing Onryo, attempted to teleport to TV, had a small lag spike during the teleport and was frozen in the animation for the rest of the game. Playing artist, went to break a wall, had a small lag spike, was stuck, facing the wall the rest of the game.

  7. As hilarious but game-breaking as this bug is, I'm still baffled about how the "Ghostface can Mark people through walls" hasn't been addressed. There are videos about it XD Like I legit have met mobile games dev teams that fixed bugs quicker and always kept an eye on YT and Reddit to try to catch bugs quickly.

  8. I accidently did this to a Wesker in my game I think, but it wasn't from a DC. He grabbed me on the escape and when I went back to spectate to see if the rest of my team was going to escape, he was just standing there like he was frozen at the gate.


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