The Dead by Daylight Balance Issue NO ONE Talks about | DBD Discussions

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In this video I discuss the overall balance state of Dead by Daylight, and offer some points of discussion I think no one ever talks about.

The “difficulty spike” in DBD is part of the overall match balance, yet no one seems to discuss it.

As always, these are just my opinions, don’t get too stressed over them.

#gaming #dbd

My name is Tericho!

I am a Dead by Daylight content creator on YouTube and Twitch!
I make Dead by Daylight tips videos, discussion videos and gameplay videos!

Twitter: @terichoyt


39 thoughts on “The Dead by Daylight Balance Issue NO ONE Talks about | DBD Discussions”

  1. the problem is that the difficult part for the survivors never happens in games, at the start you can lose a gen before you could physically even get to it, survivors can spawn on different places which means even if you interrupt 1 gen you’re going to lose 1 no matter what, survivors can win games even if they’re not good, just by splitting up on gens and hiding, ive had games where i finished every chase almost instantly yet i still ended with a 2k cuz i just got outplayed by survivors who can hold a single button while i need to do several stuff at once, keys are as much of a bullshit as old moris, a key can turn a 100% win for the killer into a 2 man escape, undying nerf was too harsh, it was not even broken, entitled survivors just couldn’t stand the killer having good perks, ruin undying is useless if killer doesn’t have good pressure and it can be cleansed easily making the killer play with no gen regression and only 2 perks for the rest of the game, most of the time at least for me undying was cleansed first anyway, so that whole cleansing ruin 4 times argument is total bs, ruin undying was also easily countered if you just split up on gens cuz the killer cant interrupt 3/4 gens at once, so in a game where survivors can all run ds, unb, bt, deli, soul guard, adrenaline and all of their countless meta perks (x4 at max mind you), ruin undying is not op whatsoever and is getting nerfed only because of bad survivors, who are also the only reason this game seems kinda balanced, if in every game killer and all 4 survivors were on the same skill level with all meta builds killer could almost never win

  2. I think another big problem with the game is that "Optimal" survivor gameplay is built around being kind of toxic like being optimal is bringing a map offering that's survivor sided, a flashlight or medkit or god forbid a key with amazing add-ons, d-strike, lithe, dead hard, I don't know the name but the perk you can get that stuns killers when you jump out of a locker, and resetting palettes, and just so much more to clown the killer then that shit breeds tunnelers and face campers

  3. Here's what I think they should do for keys/hatch:
    1) Hatch now requires a 12 second channel "unlock animation" to open.

    2) Opening the hatch will trigger EGC.

    3) If the hatch was opened before the Exit Gates were powered it will close immediately after the survivor escapes and will not re-open for the last survivor.

    4) If the hatch was opened after the Exit Gates were powered it will remain open until the killer closes it.
    5) All keys will have 20 base charges. When channeled, all keys will reveal the aura of all survivors to each other.
    6) Eroded Token reduces hatch open time by 10%. [10.9s]

    7) Gold Token reduces hatch open time by 25%. [9.6s/8.8s]

    8) Prayer Rope adds 10 charges.

    9) Prayer Beads adds 20 charges.

    10) Blood Amber reveals the killer's aura any time your aura is revealed to the killer.

    11) Broken Key can only open the hatch during EGC.

    12) Skeleton Key opens the hatch in 10 seconds. [9s/8s/7.4s]

  4. Let's be real here. The main problem with balance in the game is twofold. One: Matchmaking. and Two: Toxicity.

    Matchmaking sucks. I'm just going to leave it at that. I, for one, am super excited for MMR to come back because, having developed one of those systems myself back in the day, I know how well it can work if properly programmed.

    The main problem, the main frustration that comes along with the game is when a killer or survivor gets into a match that they physically cannot win. This is frustrating. Now, as a survivor main (but I also play killer in purple ranks), this happens often. Sometimes it's because the killer was legitimately better than my team. That's for sure. The R1 nurse I had the other day didn't camp at all and 3 hooked everybody AND didn't kill anybody until everybody else had been 2 hooked…all before any of us had 8k points. She destroyed us. No toxicity whatsoever. Good on her, gg wp.

    However, that is not… the normal case for playing survivor at red ranks. Even at R1 that isn't the case. I will stick by my point that at least 50% of the matches I play at red ranks feature toxic killers. (Slightly less at R1) Killers who either A: camp and tunnel to kill the first person asap, or B: run unfair builds that are nearly impossible to win against (iri head huntress, insta kill myers, and so many more. There are dozens and dozens of these builds.) Usually it's A and not B, but they are equally not fun to play against.

    EDIT: (Let me define toxic killer more clearly. Skip this bit if you already know. Camping and tunneling are toxic. Actively staying near the hook when NO ONE IS AROUND is camping. If you're chasing somebody, that is NOT camping. If you run 30m away, then run straight back and use the hook as a trap, THAT IS CAMPING. (Looking at you nurse killers.) If you actively chase the person who just got unhooked while ignoring any other survivor you see, THAT IS TUNNELING. That is toxic. I understand why you are doing it, because like this video says, after the 1k the game gets significantly easier for killer. But it is still toxic. You are ruining one person's game so you can bypass all the balance the core game mechanics bring. (multiple hook stages, healing, etc.) Furthermore, we all know the toxic builds. We all know about iri head huntress. It actively bypasses the injured state. It isn't fun to play against. We all know insta kill myers. It isn't fun to play against. It literally bypasses every core game mechanic. Double rope freddy, super fast phase spirit (as if she needs any more help), wall hacks myers, body blocking hag, unlimited tier 3 myers, etc. etc. etc. I can go on and on.) Why are these toxic you ask? Because they're too easy. Killers complain about keys why? Because they bypass game mechanics (finishing gens, opening gates, etc.,) yet killers have so many addons that do the same thing. These addons are powerful because they're supposed to be rare but… killers get them in nearly every bloodweb at lvl50. How is that rare? So really, these builds are toxic because they're OP. It's as simple as that. It's like stunlocking an opponent in a fighting game. Can you do it? Sure. Is it fair or fun? No. That's why these moves are often banned from fighting games. It's unspoken, sure, but we all know it to be true. These builds rarely lose at any level unless the killer is literally incompetent. I think I've won against an iri-head huntress… once… in 6 months. And that was because she was rank 13 and I was in red ranks.)

    Until these things are dealt with, the game will never be able to be balanced. Toxic killers actively bypass any attempt at balancing so survivors will always feel shit on.

    This is the REASON DS hasn't been touched. DS actively counters toxicity (even if we all know it only extends a chase by 10-15 seconds). Sure, DS also counters REALLY GOOD KILLERS. But let me ask you this, if a killer is good enough to hook somebody, wait for them to get unhooked, hook somebody DIFFERENT, then hook that same first person again, don't you think they're already doing well enough to win the game? They're already going to win if they've hooked 2 people in 60 seconds. So why does it matter?

    Survivors can be toxic too, sure, but it is RARE for me to see someone use a key on a hatch before gens are done. I've seen it 3 times in 6 months of playing. I saw a half dozen toxic killers just yesterday. Killers who literally facecamped as bubba, or did the "I'm not camping, walk away but teleport back" hag or nurse. These killers are ruining the game, for both sides. They make it not fun, and they mess with balance.

    We can argue perks and addons all we want, but until the toxicity problem is dealt with, none of it will matter.

    Toxic killer > Average survivor team (rank adjusted) > average not toxic killer. And THAT… is the problem. Both survivors AND killers are currently being "shit on" just by different groups of people. Take away the toxicity and get down to real balancing.

  5. Average toxic killer > Average survivor team (rank adjusted) > average not toxic killer. (assuming equal skill and not equal shit ranks like we have now.) And THAT… is the problem. Both survivors AND killers are currently being "shit on" just by different groups of people. Take away the toxicity and get down to real balancing. The toxic killers are ruining the game for everybody. Keys too, sure, but they're used in a toxic manner less often.

  6. At red ranks, its basically 100 difficulty until 2k. God forbid they have more than one person that knows how to loop. Might as well DC and take the 5 minute cooldown than play. You are losing a pip anyways. By the time you get one person hooked, 3 gens will be done.

  7. The difference between solo queue and swf also MASSIVELY affects balance. That also seems like an issue for both ends, with some swfs just being way too strong compared to the killer, but solo queue having unreliable teammates that get you killed.

  8. If it's asymmetrical, a perfectly balanced game would mean survivors should loose just over half their games. It's asymmetrical- four weaklings versus one force very difficult to defeat. A survivor with a 49% win percentage should be proud of it. Survivors don't understand that and think that just because they lost three games back to back that the game is unbalanced.

  9. I don't know I usually play killer when I want to mop the floor with everybody, and survivor when I want to throw my controller at the TV… I'd say a good way to look at the balance is how many survivors still play the game??? I know as a killer you can get into a match instantly and as a survivor you wait forever. I'd say that's probably the case because the game is bugged and all the bugs are always in the favor of the killer and it's harder to be a survivor than it is a killer.

  10. One thing about survivor perks is that it rewards you when you fail to do something. For example, Resilience. It makes you repair at a faster rate %depending which tier that perk is. In my opinion, that perk should be repair at the same base rate as if you were NOT injured.

  11. Can we address people who have played before and use rank 20 killers and pretending to be a noob and face camping. 5 games in a row. 2 of the killers were on ps4 look at there profiles 1 had red ranks pic next to there name. And the other rank 10 picture. Like I won't recommend this game at all. Survivor sucks completely

  12. As a survivor main (before undying), I never understood when my teammates don't do totems. I watch them run right past or even do gens next to lit totems. And then the anger in the chat about noed. I get so frustrated when I do 3 totems, 2 gens, run the killer a bit, and die from noed because my teammates couldn't be bothered to look around a little.

    The issues with killers I have are the "find me" perks. Doc has always been my main problem. That may be from me coming from when the game was first released and killers actually had to patrol. It felt a lot more like what the game was supposed to be; do gens and don't get found/search out survivors and kill them, respectively. But when a huntress with bbq can hook a survivor, know exactly where another is and fire from across the map.., that feels so cheap. And the doctor. SMH.

    The killers I like to go against are the ones that force me to stay alert. The stalking and surprise killers; Wraith, Myers, Pig, Ghostface; You have to look around and stay alert. That's fun. Trapper is fun because you have to look where you're going. The shitty killers; Doc and Clown are the worst. As a Survivor main, it really feels like all you need is a rudimentary skill in order to play them and therefore, being killed by them is so cheap. When there's a nurse who is expertly predicting where you'll be, I'm game. good to go. That killer earned my death. But when all you have to do is toss a bottle in a survivor's general direction which forces them to slow down so the killer can walk right up, how is that fun?


  13. I agree, undying is basically the early game callapse but I do think it's way to strong, also a perk shouldn't be the early game callapse it should be a mechanic. Who knows maybe that's what bhvr is doing. Nerfing undying then adding a early game callapse not like they'll tell us.

  14. I think the problem is that they not addressed rankings enough, in yellow ranks, killers have the advantage and in red ranks it is the other way around. Simplest thing would be to have different generators times accross ranks

  15. the problem is the game is based on survivors making mistakes not on killers making good plays

    also sorry but 9:43 you are just wrong keys are way worst than new mori's or old mori's you are assuming survivors have to be dead they dont they have only 1 needs to be dead for hatch to spawn at 1 gen left so 3 survivors with maxed out commodious can reduce 3 gens to 60 seconds or less easily without perks and then key player can try and do gens or loop the killer if he needs to
    so once 4 gens are done really one can sacrifice themselves and the rest can escape i mean its a complete dick move but by thing most people call a win aka 3 kills not 1 kill means you lost because that guy brought a key

    as long as they arent stupid and 3 gen/4 gen themselves dont do all the god damn corner gens you imbecile

  16. Less experienced players have a hard time improving because of a lack of in game tutorials and poor matchmaking. When I first made it to yellow ranks I kept getting matched against red rank bully squads that were obviously on comms (Dead Dawg Saloon, only person I get to see if the guy watching me from the balcony) and it's just not fun and I can't blame people for giving up after multiple matches like that. There's just no real incentive to keep going, especially when you realize how bad the grind is to even unlock the potential to get an interesting perk build going.

  17. This game is difficult for killer with swf, there were 5 gens left, one had tinkerer so i went to stop from completing and there was one survivor, as soon i started chase that gen gets completed, so obviously he told his friend that gen is 99, so how can killer pressure all survivors at once, i have now stopped playing killer

  18. I play both sides but probably more killer sided but I feel like keys are more unfair or give you the feeling of being robbed as while moris are “toxic” you have to 1.get the survivor hooked and 2.down them again before you can mori them whereas with a key you get rewarded for losing even if the killer finds the hatch first and closes it you can still escape through it? And the way you say “just take ruin and undying” as an “optional objective” or “an early game collapse” of sorts is ridiculous why should you as a killer have to use two perk slots on TOTEM PERKS that can be destroyed leaving you with just 2 perks? It’s like the devs reducing gen speeds but giving survivors a perk that lets you repair gens faster but goes away after being attacked. Even then that still sounds unfair on the killer side of things because everyone would probably just 4 stack it🤷‍♀️ I agree that basically “git gud” applies here and mistakes play quite a large portion of lost games but switching between sides regularly I’ve always found survivor to be so much easier I’ll stop before I go on a tangent 😂 I love you work and your videos keep it up 🥰

  19. the key difficulty change is mostly on the killer graph – for survivors theres not all that much difference, but for killer it maintains the high pressure of the time before your first kill because with each kill, it's easier for the hatch to spawn and the survivors have more time to find it. It's just stress the whole game long.

  20. the problem with ruin undying is, that it doesnt only cover the early part but pretty much the entire game, its like having to do 8 gens as survivors in combination with tinkerer it becomes even more braindead and its yet again " just hold M1 for longer because " .
    there are great alterantives, corrupt for example or Pop is really well and rewarding designed

  21. Just gonna let you know the keys can open hatch at 1 gen left and 3 survivors alive. Thats why I hate keys. Survivors can mindlessly rush the wrong gens and 3 gen themselves and escape. I have been robbed like that many times

  22. I think a great way to not screw any of the sides too much is to rework the way gens are done to make it more time consuming and compensate for that with longer hook times(less camping) but to compensate again either reduce the effectiveness of or remove some second chance mechanics survivors get(dead hard, removal of collision after being hit, no damage at certain moments when unhooking, pausing deep wound timers whenever being chased or mending, they should have longer timers but no pausing, same with RBTs but keeping the timers the same)

  23. you are not alone I think about it too often, I play this game almost daily with friends and we feel that the game is too unfair sometimes, as rank 4 all of us we only escape 10% of our games and when someone escapes its 1 or 2 rarely us 4, killers outrun easily the survivors, have bloodlust above that , superpowers with some Op addons and still 4 perks that create too much impact on the game, survivors have few perks that are viable, have to worry about gen spacing that is impossible to communicate that with publics(only hope that is common sense for them) there is gen rushing its true but in our experience , happens almost always when the killer didn't control the map as he supposed to, there is alot of unfair hits in this game hits throught the pallet or windows and they didn't fix that, my conclusion on this game is that its bad designed, if you buff killers survivors get grabbed quicker and killed quicker on the hook, its at expense of the fun of the survivors since no one wants to die that quick without a fight, its frustrating when it happens ,and killers don't want survivors to finish the gens quick, so they need to tweak the core of the game Asap, its obvious that the game plays on one design that worked when it launched and doesn't work anymore.

  24. My advice to anyone that wants to make DBD more fun for everybody is try to remember that there is a person behind a screen controlling that character you are hating on. Possibly someone just like you? This is actually a quote from the YouTuber Paulie Esther. If you need help do what I do. Listen to Ziggy Marley's song "Give a Little Love" before you play. 😉


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