Something We Can All Agree on About MMR / SBMM – Dead by Daylight

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47 thoughts on “Something We Can All Agree on About MMR / SBMM – Dead by Daylight”

  1. "everyone knows rank doesn't mean anything"

    sorry to tell you this scott, but the fact in every sbmm test 99 percent of the complaints were complaining about ranks in post game not matching should tell you that many people, do indeed, think rank means a lot

  2. I'm kinda afraid to see brand new parts and swf every game if mmr actually works.
    Red ranks would be pain in the ass to play with.

    Also im worried that mmr will kill Solo experience. Solo isn't great now, and will be worse on mmr

  3. “We will just trust their blind number” ABSOLUTELY NOT, I don’t trust their number at all. I need to see the parameters. In every other game we know the parameters. This is no different considering bhvr is never transparent and they ruin what they touch we should at least know what their shooting for to give them feedback on if it’s working.

  4. I agree. The biggest issue is the diminishing returns of playing better.

    Great players doing stupid shit because their likelihood of playing vs. the game's least rewarded, least enjoyable sweaty group is lowered. Why ever play for a double pip? You may as well try to loop the killer forever or go for funny killer plays. We all know how much more fun the game is when you're not being bodyblocked by a 4 man SWF or tunnelled out the game after your first unhook, so why would people grind for that experience without any incentive?

    No shade to people playing sweaty, it works and I respect it. It's just not rewarded enough to be worth the stress when DBD can be such silly fun instead, at least for me.

  5. Off the bat I can say you're wrong there. R6 Siege has hidden mmr for casual mode that is looser than the one for ranked but lacks any tangible benefits. It mostly serves to put you in even games no matter what you jump into.

  6. What do you mean by a ranking system? I thought you were talking about leaderboards, but if you are not talking about that or the grade system, what would it be?

  7. The goal of the game, according to the devs, is to have fun. I think you share that philosophy too right? So perhaps the incentive is supposed to be more even matches and therefore more fun?

  8. But Scoot, MMR is totally perfect in how it is, we all should just accept it like the devs want us to and not complain about it so that the game dies even faster because they don't want to listen to feedback kek

  9. What bothers me in this argument is: We have the (bad) rank system, that kinda works. but there is no reward to ranking either, and still most players want the satisfaction of hitting rank 1 (even if it is to brag around the internet). The SBMM system will be the same. You'll climb ranks, which as far as I understood will be visible what rank are you on, and at the end you'll get some BPs based on your rank.
    For the argument that they cannot base the system on escapes, i'd argue they can. Make a 0-100 point system based on either how much BP you gain on the match or the emblems you get (it's not hard to devise a point system using the two we already have). Survivor loses 50 (more or less depending on rank) points on that if they die on the match. Killer loses 10 or 20 for each survivor that escapes. That way good players will still be able to grind up even if they die and worthless survivor will grind slowly because they don't contribute much to the team and 3+ escapes will have a big impact on the killer ability to rank up.

  10. It blows my mind that they don’t give iridescent shards for ranking up/maintaining rank. Try unlocking every f2p character and cosmetics using iridescent shards and you’ll either die of old age, or mental damage from having played DBD too much. The fact that you can only get them via leveling up your profile is absurd.

  11. I agree.. I've always loved games with tier systems. it's the only reason why I tried so hard YEARS ago to get better in League. ended up staying at Diamond 2 – 3. then I completely stopped playing in 2017 because I didn't really have that much time.

    Dead by Daylight should do the same. I don't even know why they didn't do that..

  12. I feel that ranking and mmr is a dumb idea in dead by daylight in general. With balancing discrepancies (especially among varying killers), perk variation (some perks clearly being better than others), and rng aspects (such as totem spawns, pallet spawns, or which map you play on), to me, makes it feel like this game will never have a competitive platform or clear cut ranking system.

    Sure, some players are better than others. No doubt in my mind that people who have hundreds upon thousands of hours in the game will be better than a newbie. But overall, a lot of results from trials are from situations out of your control. Dead by daylight has too many issues, bugs, and luck based aspects to be taken serious at any level. Even tournaments have different rule sets because theres no actual set standard way to play. WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE DEVS CONSIDER TO BE AN ACTUAL WIN. All this new mmr is going to do is cause people to want to super sweat more profusely than ever before (keys, noed, crutch builds), or intentionally lose in trials to drop down and match with easier opponents. I'm concerned about the direction this game is going in.

  13. Even if you consider BP a "reward", you're gonna get less BP as your MMR increases, because more players will DC, and people will in general just start playing to end the match as quickly as possible, and in the most toxic ways possible.

  14. It's funny. You know what an ACTUAL reward for getting better would be? Your average opponent being slightly worse than you, AKA not having MMR at all. That would also be the driving force for player improvement, too — you'd play with (and against) people both better and worse, and it would encourage you to improve. But nobody wants to talk about that, because apparently wanting an even playing field where everyone can play, have fun, and learn from each other, just means "you only wanna pubstomp bad survs lol git gud noob"

  15. bro you make like 5 videos a day slaughtering and criticizing dbd, just find a new game man they’re not gonna listen to you, especially if you critique everything they do

  16. The main worry is that this MMR will force good players to have sweatier games, and without a real reason to want a high MMR. But having a reward for a high MMR would be that reason, and would encourage people to play sweatier even more.
    I think that all THE NEW CHANGES at the "ranking" system and the new MMR system, WERE MADE WITH THE IDEA OF REMOVING AS MUCH COMPETITION (and frustration) as possible in DBD.
    A person dc the first 5 sec of the match? You don't de-rank, because de-ranking is not possible.
    Imagine if the MMR would be displayed, the victory condition known or there was a reward waiting for you : people would start to ABUSE the unbalanced of this game. And why they should not? They have an incentive to go higher and higher.
    On the other hand, people that are just good at the game either will adapt, or they will have some fun games until they will face the wall of tryhards, lose a bunch of games, and then go back to a lower MMR.

    Of course, there are disadvantages, such as the lack of motivation of getting better at the game, but if you are having fun as a noob, then what's the problem?

  17. My matches last night were horribly imbalanced like nost of ny survs were red abd gold 60%. Were those had 7 red grades in 3 out of 5 matches with 2 brinze and ash as well ibhate swf pit then against a killer that matches the highest rank not the average which screws over the killer who will most likely will not have played enough to counter those people.

  18. sbmm has actually been in the latest call of duty casual playlists and it has the same problems that you are mentioning. and to be clear im talking about casual not the ranked modes so theres no reason for you to ever try to play well in the casual gamemodes on cod and theres no reward for doing good other than getting put against other good players. its the reason i had to stop playing the game


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