the dead by daylight reddit…

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today i read dbd reddit posts that say that killers are overpowered and more…


4 thoughts on “the dead by daylight reddit…”

  1. Look as someone who played both for years normally at the higher elos. Killer is weaker than survivors. Its easier to use surivor and if you really want to win as survivor you can win in less than 4 minutes as survivor when youre good at gen rushing. Killer is only easy if youre against people who dont understand the tru concept of chases.

  2. I have 150hours of playtime, which is still little in a game with such a high skill ceiling and especially with literally 4000 (in match) hours needed to unlock all perks and characters
    And in my experience it's the same. I play survivor and get 6 crushing loss in a row, then I play killer and win 4 times in a row
    And then I go play something else because why wouldn't I?

    Also I love how when you're in a survivor lobby, even if all 3 of my mates are prestige 50 or 90 survivors, if they have the little console cross-platform globe icon next to them, they'll be useless af, constantly get downed, don't work on gens and loose us the game
    But hey, how can we blame them, they're 14yo kids playing a blurry low resolution game at 25fps and 200ping on a dusty ass PS4 with no sound and USE A CONTROLLER

    I mean they're handicapping themselves so much it's not like they can be of any use whatsoever

  3. Killers, by default, have to be stronger than survivors on the regular. The issue is when that strength becomes overly oppressive. Playing against a wraith is fine, playing against the Xenonis fine, but when you start running into mid range killer worth their salt or a mobility killer the game gets infinitely harder to the point of being unbearable for low elo survivor and even high elo survivor has issues with those.


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