The Dredge First Impressions – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ – Probably testing him right now


31 thoughts on “The Dredge First Impressions – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Ah the “real” most toxic game LOL people who think Elden Ring is toxic have never experienced the toxicity that is dead by daylight. The only game I’ve ever received hatemail for, over 20 years of gaming.

  2. There's a part of his power I think people are overlooking. His teleporting to lockers is a great way to check on gens near the locker but just doing flybys you can still hear if it's being worked on mid warp. A couple long zooms across the map has given me a ton of map knowledge on what being worked on. Not every gen has a locker near and listening for progress as I port past it has been a great way to avoid going out of my way to check on a gen

  3. I think you should do a blend of elden ring / dbd. that way if u get an itch to play ER again or when dlc finally drops theres no sort of "leaving" either community. I dont think I'm in the majority of being a fan of both games but I think it's worth trying out

  4. Welcome back Scott! As for Dredge, I was able to get Adept in just a few matches which speaks to our little Lovecraftian turkey's overall power and versatility. Dredge may just have the most overloaded base kit since reworked Freddy. Its add-ons are quite frankly ridiculously strong as well, including some spicy Iridescents and Very Rares.

    That being said, once survivors get into the activating the locks on lockers, it will make him so much weaker. Honestly, the devs need to make the lock action take at least 6 seconds, because right now you waste time breaking out of it, or you waste time whiffing a swing to break it. A friend and I were actually discussing how Unrelenting may be unironically good on Dredge for that fact alone.

  5. It's really only been 2 months since Elden ring came out not 3 so guess Elden ring didn't get Scott to stick as much as he thought he would.

    That being said it's nostalgic to see you on DBD again. I found you through DBD and while I watched some of your Elden ring stuff it just didn't hit right like your DBD stuff

    These discussion type videos where it's not just a upload from a stream are my thing with this channel and you did much more of those for DBD

    Welcome back Scott and hopefully they add Malenia as a killer so we can waterfowl dance every survivor to death within seconds of the game starting

  6. Hey if anything you now have two games to bounce back and forth with if one starts to feel a little stale. But while I enjoyed your Elden Ring content it's awesome to see DBD content on your channel again!

  7. The brown addons are amazing on it.
    I use the one that make the locker yellow when locked & killer instinct triggers when not in nightfall.
    Mostly the one that shows locked lockers can find people real early on

  8. For me, playing on a pretty good tv on console on maximum brightness settings on both my console, DBD itself, and my tv, I cannot see anything in the game at all when Nightfall starts. It is incredibly difficult to tell where I am at any one point in time during Nightfall. I hope they reduce it because I can’t play against him during his Nightfall.


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