The Dredge is Insanely Fun (Dead by Daylight Roots of Dread Chapter)

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Back with DBD, and you all know I’m not messing around when I put “fun” in the title and thumbnail- I have had more fun with this killer than I have since blight, maybe moreso. I love this, it’s extremely fun, even on losses. New Dredge main incoming?

Also, to the like, two or three people that read these things I type out, bravo, I appreciate you. Maybe I could write a book or something about this killer and you three lovely people might read it! Who knows, I might call it “The Dredge: Morbin’ or Too Morbed?” Only one of you will probably get that reference, and then I will be just another failed writer, left in the dust, morbin my little farmer/mediocre writer heart out. Also, thanks for reading all this nonsense, and I hope you enjoy this video!

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10 thoughts on “The Dredge is Insanely Fun (Dead by Daylight Roots of Dread Chapter)”

  1. Im sure its been figured out by now but what that person meant about locking one locker: if the survivor only locks one locker in a cluster of two, the dredge will always teleport to that one. This means that a survivor can lock one, wait for it to be broken/used, then lock the other one after. This basically gives the survivor an entire new lock whiccch is pretty dumb because the killer cant do anything about it besides power through


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