The Exact Issue with Haddonfield – Dead by Daylight

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tl;dr: The map forces 3-gens because the other structures are too strong to reliably chase in. This is bad design.


20 thoughts on “The Exact Issue with Haddonfield – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Well I unsubscribed Scott after this one. This map has literally the 2 most unfair loops of all game, 2 infinites, and eventually a house of pain, and the "issue" Scott talks about is something you can do in pretty much every map.

  2. Come to think of it…I don't think I like ANY map in this game. I always feel like I'm just playing Merry Go Round with Survivors; the instant I go to chase one, the other three are immediately undoing everything I just did. Not knowing what they're doing drives me batty. I feel like the house is the worst case for this, because if I go chase someone through the house, their buddy pops from around the corner or out of a bush and starts working on the gen I just pushed them off.

  3. For those whom should be concerned of bullying terrorist control over all functionality of Behavior company, and Dead By Daylight fraudulent, and abusive services.

    Dated for legal: 3/28/23

    All examples are not viable in subjective opinion. All examples are only 100% confirmation of criminal terrorist abuse, and scripted fraud.

    [Special notes:] I will be adding NO subjective opinion of my own on todays listed fraud. So only absolute confirmations.

    1: Match one. All survivors force farm with killer. Taget solo for abuse. Confirmed

    2: No gens done in 20 minutes of free roaming. Killer dropped survivors dozens of times. Survivors all threw for killer.

    3: Myers pretends to be real infinite. Game proceeds with NO ONE going down for five straight gens after.

    4: Game four was rather insane: One player drops at start to ruin game. Others do in fact hide, and troll without doing gens. Confirmed farming by the way the killer trolled, and abused me the solo. Players were observed watching pentimento be set up for holding game hostage. Will add even while attempting to avoid 'toxic' player interaction killer would use me to help the other players gain points on multiple occasions. Waiting at a pallet. Bringing me to group for healing, then dowing again as apparent examples. At the much much over 40minutes later two ppl left; killer continued to refuse to end game with one survivor,(rebecca.) Despite three gens left, and rebecca staying with killer. Killer would walk around with me for over thirty minutes. (Observed while playing pokemon scarlet. =D ) These ppl will never be banned, and is highly likely direct abuse from Behavior staff.

    5: All began together. No killer ever sighted the entire game. Tested doing gen (helping,) and not doing gen, (allowing three crows to track just myself on multiple occasions.) Nothing sighted. Five gens proceeding to be done. Fake match, can be considered killer forced afk farming.

    6: Killer proceeded to find me instantly at start, no perk addition for The Pig Killer. Three gens would be done confirming no care for game result. While watching two people would stop playing. Nothing can be confirmed. -Certainly not real.

    7: Quickly noted only BPS was brought. Nurse downs in first minute. (looking legit for the first time? Yay???) Heavy assitance provided, (ds, flashlight saves, hard chases,) and team would fall apart regardless after two gens completed. Confirming farming for killer. Everyone stopped playing at this point. Perhaps pressured surrender from immature frustration of it just 'being' a nurse. Game would stall almost as if held hostage, and gens would proceed to never continue less I personally touched them.

    8: Started with no one doing gens. Gens would not be touched for the next eight minutes. Following this would be the obvious acknowledgment that the killer was never playing. Confirmed afk killer found later. Match proceeded as a free ride.

    9: TTV group. Player proceeds to go down insantly. Survivors are swarming around killer in constant hits. Looking like fraudulent farming thus far. Following is first hooked player being farmed? Instantly would go down agian in under twenty seconds. New person drops right after save. Person saved drops ten seconds later. Confirmed fraudulent match. Would proceed saving people safely. Game drags on as a slow farm where the ttv feng farms points, and anyone else seen gets hooked. Targeting people confirmed. Watched Myers ignore TTV Feng several times. Killer eventually breaks farming with others to bully me out while they do gens. TTV would take the time to pretend save, and then we all died. TTV would mock me after.

  4. For those whom should be concerned of bullying terrorist control over all functionality of Behavior company, and Dead By Daylight fraudulent, and abusive services.

    Dated for legal: 3/28/23

    All examples are not viable in subjective opinion. All examples are only 100% confirmation of criminal terrorist abuse, and scripted fraud.

    [Special notes:] I will be adding NO subjective opinion of my own on todays listed fraud. So only absolute confirmations.

    1: Match one. All survivors force farm with killer. Taget solo for abuse. Confirmed

    2: No gens done in 20 minutes of free roaming. Killer dropped survivors dozens of times. Survivors all threw for killer.

    3: Myers pretends to be real infinite. Game proceeds with NO ONE going down for five straight gens after.

    4: Game four was rather insane: One player drops at start to ruin game. Others do in fact hide, and troll without doing gens. Confirmed farming by the way the killer trolled, and abused me the solo. Players were observed watching pentimento be set up for holding game hostage. Will add even while attempting to avoid 'toxic' player interaction killer would use me to help the other players gain points on multiple occasions. Waiting at a pallet. Bringing me to group for healing, then dowing again as apparent examples. At the much much over 40minutes later two ppl left; killer continued to refuse to end game with one survivor,(rebecca.) Despite three gens left, and rebecca staying with killer. Killer would walk around with me for over thirty minutes. (Observed while playing pokemon scarlet. =D ) These ppl will never be banned, and is highly likely direct abuse from Behavior staff.

    5: All began together. No killer ever sighted the entire game. Tested doing gen (helping,) and not doing gen, (allowing three crows to track just myself on multiple occasions.) Nothing sighted. Five gens proceeding to be done. Fake match, can be considered killer forced afk farming.

    6: Killer proceeded to find me instantly at start, no perk addition for The Pig Killer. Three gens would be done confirming no care for game result. While watching two people would stop playing. Nothing can be confirmed. -Certainly not real.

    7: Quickly noted only BPS was brought. Nurse downs in first minute. (looking legit for the first time? Yay???) Heavy assitance provided, (ds, flashlight saves, hard chases,) and team would fall apart regardless after two gens completed. Confirming farming for killer. Everyone stopped playing at this point. Perhaps pressured surrender from immature frustration of it just 'being' a nurse. Game would stall almost as if held hostage, and gens would proceed to never continue less I personally touched them.

    8: Started with no one doing gens. Gens would not be touched for the next eight minutes. Following this would be the obvious acknowledgment that the killer was never playing. Confirmed afk killer found later. Match proceeded as a free ride.

    9: TTV group. Player proceeds to go down insantly. Survivors are swarming around killer in constant hits. Looking like fraudulent farming thus far. Following is first hooked player being farmed? Instantly would go down agian in under twenty seconds. New person drops right after save. Person saved drops ten seconds later. Confirmed fraudulent match. Would proceed saving people safely. Game drags on as a slow farm where the ttv feng farms points, and anyone else seen gets hooked. Targeting people confirmed. Watched Myers ignore TTV Feng several times. Killer eventually breaks farming with others to bully me out while they do gens. TTV would take the time to pretend save, and then we all died. TTV would mock me after.

  5. Funny thing I keep thinking is that I was apart of the private playtest session to test out haddonfield's rework before it was revealed. We got to play about 5 matches on the old vs 5 matches on the new map to compare. and a lot of very obvious problems that have been mentioned in this video and other pieces of content as well were brought up from the start by me and other testers. Yet around a month later when it got released and revealed and I played it live, no changes based on our feedback was apparent. So it's not like some of these issues weren't directly mentioned to bhvr but I was left feeling like feedback was somewhat meaningless unless things were so bad people physically stopped playing lol.

  6. I never really play for three gen strategies I usually just like chasing people and whatever happens happens but I have to say that the window vaults in the houses are so goddamn annoying to deal with.

  7. What a stupid solution. Just move one of the three gens elsewhere? You just pointed out that the other side of the map is unplayable for killer. If you just move out one of the three gens then it's a free win for the survivors.

  8. I also hate the completely open street. As you said, it's way too wide. They could have easily added some space in the gardens at the back and removed some of the street. You can't cross without being seen.

  9. I literally had a match against a Pyramid Head that must've gone on for at least half an hour because he did nothing but camp the 3 gen around the house. I literally had to tell my friends to just give up with me because there was no winning.


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