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hello gamers
This spooky Blight build was so insanely fun to run! The perk build made it so that survivors would never hear me coming and trust me.. It must have terrified them! Enjoy this game of Blight in Dead By Daylight!
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blight build? lesgoooo
Me (a fellow Troglodyte) when i'm welcomed in again: oh my god no way i'm so happy now thank you so much (fr fr not capping right now)
2:43 CouchReks moment
really nice build and vid
holy molers I would have actually pooped myself haha
video so nice, you gotta watch it twice gamers <33
Average SofaMan moment being addicted to speed irl, of course
nice build sofa keep up the content man
polska gurom
And you put the hat! ❤🤩
4:07 that was so insane haha
Is that a Turtle Beach headset on the Blight in the thumbnail?
Whats the other 2 perks ur using
Omg I was terrified by just watching this video 🥶🥶
Sofa finding a killer that can get full value out of his amazing bump logic