The Fog holds more than just screams. Delve into the memories of The Hillbilly. #deadbydaylight #dbd

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Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.      


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48 thoughts on “The Fog holds more than just screams. Delve into the memories of The Hillbilly. #deadbydaylight #dbd”

  1. Stories like these really make me wonder if the entity manipulates certain killers. Billy was just a boy </3 and I could imagine the entity makes the survivors look like his cruel family, which is why he is fighting back.

  2. Number fifteeeeeen

    Hilbilly foot lettuce

    The last thing you waaaaaaant in your coldwind faaaaaaaarm is someones dirty inbred son with a chainsaaaaaaaw

    But unfortunatelyyyyyyyy, that might be just what you goooooooot

  3. I wish the balancing team was as good as the lore team. Jk, its very hard to balance a game and they're doing their best. The lore of this game is one of if not my favourite thing about it

  4. Yeah cool…fix your fucking game and stop listening to crybaby streamers aka Otz about “how to make your game good” the DS animation was proof to me that the clown is not a killer in the game its this whole development team

  5. So… gal ever going to address the vast one-sidedness in favor of Survivors, or how they’re constantly pampered while Killers are punished for existing? It’s unfair, unfun, and boring.

  6. BHVR pls try and get the listener for Jason he would fit this game sooo well I know he’s basically Michael myers but he is the most iconic killer ever. So pls consider and read this message
    – Spudsmcbeefcake


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