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i was trying to meme and instead found violence.
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
i was trying to meme and instead found violence.
Breaking News: Billy skillcap raised by not actually using his chainsaw
M1lly milky billy
Gigachad billy plays lets gooo
Milly sounds like Billy's future trad wife
I fucking love your videos scott jund
Hearing Scott cheer like a stadium fan whenever Hubris goes off is FANTASTIC content, please post more Hubris Billy Scott
man scott is so hot, i wish he were real :/
It is weird how PC has that auto aim feature
I love it!
Ah yes, the power of the goofy ahh build
Instead of the buckle you could try mother's helpers, saw charge speed after being stunned increases by 18%, could use it to overheat faster, or to catch up for hubris.
You better keep playing this
I absolutely suck at playing Billy idk if it has something do with being on console or what but I wish I could play him more and be good I just struggle hard asf 😹
Hubris gets value the same way Otz always says Dead Hard, Unbreakable, and BT etc get value. Just the threat of it being there is enough to make people respect it.
Great, now you're gonna make bhvr take overheat away. Billy can't have anything 🙁
Their hubris in denying you your Hubris.
that purple addon only activates when the chainsaw is overheated?
11/10 hilarious match
Cant wait until they add a 2 minute long cooldown to Hubris because it became viable in 1 killer with 1 specific build
What would happen if you swapped Brutal with Enduring, does it stack with the addon effect???
I’ve learned that you can make the game think you got stunned by a pallet while you are useing your power to destroy said pallet and not actually being stunned because of the void rift event randomly taking away my rift points when I’m shredding or blighted rush breaking pallets when the survivors starts the drop animation
now that I know this hubris is looking a lot more appealing on demogorgon
You can turn off auto aim in game the game files i think
Best part about aim assist on console is it screws up more then it helps
As a console scrub, I can confirm that auto-aim still does not help you, they need to just remove that shit entirely
the true hubris is lightborn
This is like the threat ds used to have but it requires some setup and critical thinking to use correctly
ryanpez69 is rolling in his (figurative) grave
That transition was gorgeous
U should have let her go, she did what u said
Hubris was meant for Billy 🙏🏼
This would be even better if you replace call of brine for deadlock
man this layout is rough
My favorite Hillbilly add-on is the Lo-Pro Chains. Landing a hit through a pallet is just so satisfying to me for some reason. Maybe give that a try at some point as well if they are going to keep pre-dropping.
Thanks for the video content Scott.
Thanks for the editing Skrump.
Gotta love how revving the chainsaw now revs up every part of Billy EXCEPT the chainsaw.
holy shit, scott jund has reached Perfect Cell levels with this build… observe this meme: "thats not funny survivors… come back here and BONK me in my perfect JAWLINE!!!"
As a console player i promise you we don’t want auto aim either, it only ever janks you where you don’t wanna be
you should bring thhe addon to increase the cooling rate. then you still get the value from the gloves with less downtime between actually sawing people
I can’t believe this super-ultra-mega-five-head build worked like wtf😂😂😂😂😂
This could be fun with lopro chains …
Maybe Tofu will give this one a shot
instead of basing the game on HORROR, they ve balanced it around bizarre tactics/EXPLOITS
Everything about this stream was fantastic
This ironically turns billy, one of the most fun killers, into a 1 dimensional killer IF everyone starts doing this, however as a meme build it’s hilarious
DE has run out of ideas and they made a perk that makes you stronger after doing the exact action that should be the most beneficial play for the survivor. If this perk exists it should give you haste or built in Smash Hit. Nemesis (perk)and Rancor also already exist and now there is no reason to run that. Just like there is no reason to run aura perks bc half the killer have something better in their add-ons
Oh noo it would be a shaaaameee if the devs removed overheat to nerf this oh deevs please don't remove overheat
(e)vil(e) scott at it again
Overheat Billy is my favourite Billy.
"Let her go?" NO.