The "Genrush Me" Trapper Build | Dead by Daylight

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This unusual build consists of perks that get stronger as generators get completed. We got quite lucky and had a couple of really fun matches with it! 😊

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


38 thoughts on “The "Genrush Me" Trapper Build | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hey otz I just got in a match where a survivor teamed with the killer and they both were toxic I’ll just let the names in case someone can do something

  2. Not gonna lie…Fire it Up needs a buff but it's effects are noticeable. I like that it's a Jack of All Trades perk that is a combo of a Weaker Kick, Weaker Window Climb, and the solid one of a kind Pick Up Speed

  3. I've been talking about an idea for a perk that increases pick up speed and hooking speed but anytime I bring it up in a DbD fb group im in, im always hit with "ThErE iS a PeRk fOR tHaT, its called fire up!"

  4. perk build i think about somtimes : "no time to waste"
    Fire Up Brutal Strength Agitation Save the best for last

    it minimizes time it takes you to do things which might be brutal if you have any amount of pressure.

  5. Idk about pc but on mobile there's a trap on the fun bus in autohaven where if you trap the fun window it's invisible, completely. Needs to be fixed I have caught too many people with it

  6. They really need to change coup de grace so that instead of using up a stack to give you one super extended lunge at a time, it should build up permanently like fire up, adding a little bit of distance for each stack. Alternatively, they could try making it so you only use up a coup stack if the hit connects. They might need to reduce the max distance a bit if they make it a trial-long increase, but a chase perk that gives relatively little value, yet often makes the killer play disadvantageously just to get anything out of it should be a red flag that it needs tweaking.

    Also while I'm on the topic of tweaks, PYRAMID HEAD. Almost all of his abilities (and quite a few of his add ons) work to punish tormented survivors, yet at lower ranks getting survivors tormented can be more effort than it's even worth. I propose they buff his Punishment of the Damned attack to inflict torment on survivors hit with it. PotD is the one ability he has that doesn't cause or utilize torment, yet it's what he's used for the most. Considering landing a PotD hit can also be quite difficult, I feel it would be fair to give him extra ways to torment survivors (plus it would make sense, since they're getting hit with a wave of the stuff he puts in the ground). As much as I like having it as a last resort, I think they should probably change or completely remove his Final Judgment as well. While it's cool to have a built in Mori, not only is it reliant on torment, it also incentivises him to tunnel tormented survivors into the ground. I'd rather use my power to get more out of the game than get one survivor tormented and ignore everything else until they're dead.

  7. I also tried running a meme build I did a full stack build but instead of Coup I ran BBQ cuz you know bloodstacks, and that shit actually works it’s kinda fun running fire up and dying light


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