The Grim Darkness of the KNIGHT'S TOME | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive

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45 thoughts on “The Grim Darkness of the KNIGHT'S TOME | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive”

  1. This Tome really encapsulates how I feel about the Knight as a whole.

    He may not be the best, he may be clunky, he have only a handful of genuinely good add-ons (seriously like all the green ones are painfully niche)

    But Jesus Christ I can’t help but love him because of how unapologetically badass and edgy he is. I find it hilariously fitting how he’s so unrealistically dark and brooding when he’s a medieval knight, which is often associated with fantasy/fiction/nonrealism.

    The Knight seems to have a similar case to Twins; clunky as Hell in the game, but enjoyable characters to read and portray.

  2. it is surprising to see the knight get a tome so soon, but it also proves my point that we will see the heat death of the universe because they give Feng min a tome, after all can't destroy feng's "kawii gamer girl" thing the community has going so her simps will fork out money for their bland, ugly (in my opinion) character

  3. I love how the knight in the cutscene after bieng disarmed didn't try to pick up it sword, punch the guy or bash him in with a stone, he simply just grab an losse bandage and strangle the man in such a cold a brutal way, it really hammers in the line "if you suffering is to his benefit, then you will suffer" and it just removes the idea of chivous knight in the old poem, tarhos is an monster bound not by honour or even an idea of an fair fight, because he seen that at a young age and knows life is not fair so to survive in such a place you just take what ever advantage I wouldn't be surprised if he sees his own friends as just a much higher band of tools that is above his own troops simply because they had skills he value the most.

  4. Tarhos Kovacs is the personification of the joke, "the ground shakes with my every step, I installed my floorboards incorrectly," and for that, he's one of my favorite characters that was recently released.

  5. I don’t mind the way that they went, but I also can’t help but think about how cool it would’ve been to have a tome all about the Knights siege on the Guardia Campagnia. have it just as over the top Grimdark as this story and then near the end have him join back up with his faithful three, and even in this darkest of times, there is a sliver of light shining through.

  6. its kinda weird how legion gets like a ton of lore about the different members despite it being a purely cosmetic thing meanwhile the knight who heavily relys on his guards to help him in the trials has like barely anything on them. The knight and his guards are probably his most interesting part because its highlighted in gameplay so much.

  7. I know a character like, say Deathslinger, has been waiting longer, but I can't help but hope for another Knight tome soon. I'd be really interested in seeing a tome about Tarhos' entire "there is no good in the world" perspective refuted by his guards genuinely caring about him, or… anything to develop them at all.
    Maybe play around with that, and set up Tarhos as failing or even knowingly refusing to accept that bonds with other people are valuable beyond war.
    I dunno. Just a shame we didn't get more to develop the guards, not that it's not funny to see Tarhos vibrating with unadulterated hate throughout his entire job interview.

  8. This is very cool, now can we talk about Twins and how I've been waiting 2 months for a refund?

    Jk— although, considering how broke and janky they are I really wish BHVR gave me my Iridescent shards or auric cells back.

  9. speaking of Grim Dark, I think a Warhammer 40k chapter could be cool in Dead by Daylight. I would love to see Ciaphus Cain as a survivor and either a Chaos Space Marine or an Arcoflaggelant as a killer. I would buy immediately

  10. Honestly when i read the first page of the Knight's tome i was like "Huh, thats weird. Wasnt that already on his base story?"
    And yeah, upon reading more and finding out that the tome story is basically a (even) more detailes telling of his base story, but with the addition that Tarhos is like "Society…mad", i was kinda of dissapointed (i mean, i had a blast reading through it, but i expected a more unexplored region, like how you said, his friends)

    But i must say, Victorio's tome being about his exploration on the Entity's realm was a really good idea

  11. This tome has made me love the knight even more. the knight doesn’t feel like a killer like the clown or doctor who’s evil comes from a desire for power, his feels like evil from hopelessness. That no matter what he does the world will just be hell so he might as well join it.
    I do wish that his boys get a little more lore though I have to say.

  12. for as much as this story is dark and hopeless and doesn't flesh out tarhos, I do like how we get a few bits and pieces of his life and personality. especially how it implies he really loved and admired his mom. tarhos is a momma's boy

  13. do I want an exploration of tarhos and his boys? absolutely, I've always been very interested in character writing more than anything

    but I'm not exactly mad at this tome. the way it words things, the way that it's a theme story more than anything, the way it paints pictures of hopelessness and devastation. it's almost beautiful. it gives tarhos' story a real feeling and emotion, and makes his base lore feel more complete than just a telling of events. it helps immersion, really feeling how the feelings of melancholy, misery, numbness, and pain is all tarhos has ever known. it's all he ever expects. and in return, it's all he ever gives to the world. i really like how this tome breathes life and feeling into his story. even if something else would've been cooler, I really appreciate this tome for what it is. hopefully when bhvr had shown the other characters some tome love we can get another knight tome that Does focus on him and the boys as characters

  14. Maybe it's cause I watched some TTRPG horror story vids before this, but I can't shake of the feeling that, maybe, just maybe, a bit of inspiration for Tarhos and Vittorio come from two tongue-in-cheek player archetypes: The 'Murderhobo' and the 'lawful stupid healer/magic user'. From the backstory to their behaviour etc, they got everything commonly found in horrorstories from various systems, and it's quite amazing to see.

  15. Tbh, his mother trying to kill him and his siblings through a blissful death adds a good bit to the grimdark nature to this story. I think technically, only she would have committed suicide, and not her children. Technically, she would have murdered them. Technically. But, she was a mother trying to give her children the only saving grace she could, that blissful death. However, her efforts, at least in regards to Tahros, were in vain. And if he didn't die from it, it wouldn't be crazy to assume his siblings survived the poisoning either. Thus, she failed. Shad tried to do the only good thing she could do, knowing it would damn her own soul, and she failed. and suppose Tahros was the only one to survive the poisoning for whatever reason, she still failed him. And as a result, Tahros becomes who we see him become, a reflection of what he sees, Darkness.

  16. "the rootable human faction is a theocratic fascist empire built on the back of pre-teen boys,genetically engineered and alienated supersoldiers and ruled by a near dead dictator who's been locked suffering in the moments of his death for 10000 years worshipped as a god against his wishes and kept alive by a failing life support machine powered by the souls of thousands of innocent sacrifices every single day"
    …damn warhammer definitively needs some kirby

  17. I find it terribly interesting that for all his talk and horrible acts, The Knight still genuinely admires his mother. He even goes so far as to give special attention to the amount of love and strength she displayed in making him and his family drink poison.

  18. I don't think it's too late for BHVR to write a tome lore loosley based on the Gaurds and the Guardia Compania, having them as living breathing characters with actual goals and principles rather than just "Oh this dude is a sneaky sneak" "This big boy really likes battleaxes". Have the lore be about their relationship with each other, the reason that made all these three different characters with different goals agree to like Tarhos and swear alliance to his leadership, and their interactions with the world surrounding. and have it be narrated by one of the Gaurds rather than Tarhos.


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