The Importance of Pathing and Movement | Dead by Daylight Gameplay Review

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In this gameplay review video, we talk a lot about movement and pathing as a killer, as we follow this pig player through their match.

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50 thoughts on “The Importance of Pathing and Movement | Dead by Daylight Gameplay Review”

  1. This is a classic dbd problem of pushing killers down to the lower ranks way to fast….. that looked like someone who doesn’t play video games often cause that controller movement was rough to watch…

  2. Woah, that whispers and monitor combo is really something, huh? I never thought about using those perks that way… The moment whispers lights up, you can crouch knowing no one has heard the heartbeat.

    But spine chill gamers will still reign supreme lol

  3. In all fairness, sound on console is different than pc, sort of. I recently switched from Xbox one to PC and have noticed a big difference. I never adjusted settings on either platform and use the same headset. I hear SO MUCH better on PC. When I played on xbox I just copped it up to my ears not being trained, but since switching, I now understand it wasnt that.

  4. I just played a game and I killed all and as expected I was called out in the end by salty Meg who got wrecked and looped me pretty well but then still dead and started sending me crap through my dad's Xbox account like dude you got beat go cry about it to someone who cares 🤣😂

  5. When I first started playing dbd, I played similar to this. I didn't commit to chases, except the few times I did it lasted way too long. And as the game progressed I would get very pissed off and made irrational decisions 😂 I also think it's harder to play as killer on console compared to pc. If you aren't already, you need to use headphones 👍

  6. I don't find these helpful by any means. Tofu is supposed to be an "expert" on how to play killer, because of how many hours he has under his belt. But I don't find any of these gameplay reviews to be helpful. He points out the smallest little things, and acts as if it was a huge decision that the killer made that ruined the entire game for them. I swear, someone could sneakily send Tofu a clip of him doing a killer game and he would say all this shit just the same. I don't understand why he acts all high and mighty while he's doing these either. Obviously nobody is the perfect killer, and obviously people with his hour-count make just as many mistakes as the rest of us do. So I guess I just don't understand what the point of this is? I know people are sending in their own clips because they want advice, but none of this advice is useful. Like I said, you could show Tofu a clip of his own killer game and he would be just as ruthless. There's a difference between constructive criticism, and pointing out stupid small mistakes that don't make a difference at the end of the day

  7. yo tofu can you try spies from the shadows again because ı saw your video today and ı think there wasnt any crows around so i think that was bad rng and you kept finding survivors all around maybe its better in closed areas ? anyway can you give it another shot ? please ?

  8. The fail was he was way too fancy for the survivors' looping. He thought he needed to be tricky and sort of outsmarted himself, also mishits add up and he needs better headphones to be as aware of what's around him as he is when he's doing pickups. Good stuff Tofu.

  9. Whispers is still the worst detection Perk!
    Want to talk like a Pro and recommend this. What do you recommend next?Insidious? Slippery Meat?
    So ridiculous!
    And please, Fanboys, spare me with "WhEn yOu kNow hoW to UsE iT" garbage!
    I know how to use it and it is still just guessing, wich in 95% of all Times you also could've done without Whispers.
    Even if you know how it works it is still the worst detection Perk!
    The exceptions are Ghostface, Myers and Pig with M&A…

    Here THAT is what I mean 2:45 : NO you do NOT know that someone is on that gen, you just guess it. Becaus ethe surv triggering WHispers could be right behind you, to the Left, to the right, under you and everywhere. And controlling that Gen, i can also do that without Whispers!
    Just NO!
    And then he calls M&A the waste of this Combination…LOL…dude , you live in another reality!
    4:28 and you want to tell me he found that claudette because of WHispers, yes? How ridiculous!
    4:55 He thought he could hit someone with a Dash, you NOOB! He did nothing wrong there at all!
    IF those survs weren't running but still on a gen, he would have hit him!
    I ask myself why this Person is sending this Game to a Person who obviously is not as good as himself with Pig!
    6:20 Did you ever hear about Sound? "Peak around the Corner"…what a …

  10. Hey Tofu, I'm a big fan and I love your content. I have to say gameplay reviews are my least favourite kinds of videos on your channel due to the fact they are usually around 45 minutes long and most of the times it's about a killer that I don't like playing. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it really helps out the people that sent you the gameplay footage and players that are trying to get better in general. Thank you for reading this coment. Love you and take care.✌️


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