The Jerks Guide To Huntress | Dead By Daylight

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The Call of Duty video, really.


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Ending Theme: The True Mirror (Baten Kaitos)
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49 thoughts on “The Jerks Guide To Huntress | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Honestly your such a great YouTuber I’m glad i stumbled over you, and I hope in the future more people stumble over you and enjoy your content like me

  2. Try Beast of Prey on Ghostface, I’ve heard that people will start trying to reveal you midchase so they can potentially fuck up.

    Also, 12:07 Zanshin Tactics was changed slightly awhile back, it no longer goes on cooldown. Same with Windows of Opportunity.

  3. Im sick of people doing advertisements in videos – There are already adds in videos, this is crazy. Just because you like money is not a reason to do it. When you stand infront of st Peter, you can tell him why you helped something evil.

  4. Territorial is actually very usuable on Demogorgon with Make Your Choice and Devour Hope.

    Hook someone in basement then tunnel away, wait for territorial to activate the tunnel back. You get a devour stack and an instadown from Make Your Choice. It can create a really fast snowball and lead to a stupid fast way to gain Devour Stacks.

  5. Bubba is the only one to use Territorial Imperative? Tell that to Basement Demo. He may be rare, but he is here, and he will eat your entire ass if you as much as put a TOE in that basement when trying to save your friend.

  6. I feel like with the trickster you have to keep a steady pace of aim with him in comparison to the huntress. He seems like he has an abundance of knives however those can immediately be wasted if you don’t hit clear shots, then you have to retreat to a locker. Unlike huntress where if you miss a hatchet it’s not the end of the world (unless you have iri head)

    Let’s not forget how the arc of the knives change depending on which arm the trickster is throwing the knives with. Newer players will be forced to learn the way the knives work. Personally I think huntress is a little more merciful when it comes to newer players as her mechanics at lower mmr is powerful and easy to understand.

  7. Regarding territorial imperative, it actually works a lot better on Demo, making an entire build around camping survivors in the basement while preventing escapes. It's a niche build, but it's a lot more effective than it would be on Bubba.

  8. Huntress is one of those killers like Myers that playing against is a 50/50. You either get a decent match where good mindgames save you but they're competent enough to catch you off-guard enough of the time, or you get some dickhead using addons that turn them into an insta-killing machine, sometimes literally in Mikey's case. Playing her (on console) it its own sort of nightmare, and I say that as someone who has Deathslinger in their top 3 favorites, but I've found that moving her rather than moving my camera is typically the best way to line up certain shots which has helped a bit.

    As for perks, oh gosh her uniques are badddd. Huntress' Lullaby is really fun if you manage to get it going, but you kinda have to get it going and survivors of any competent skill level are not going to let that shit fly once they catch on, since while it isn't a fatal effect, it is annoying, and if there's anything survivors hate more than getting killed it is getting inconvenienced.


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