These Cheaters Make Me Question My Sanity – Dead By Daylight

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These sneaky cheaters are everywhere! WATCH OUT!

I stream 4 days a week on Twitch!

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47 thoughts on “These Cheaters Make Me Question My Sanity – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Had a game a few days back as bubba against a subtle claudette cheater. First time something suspicious happened when I hooked one of the survivors in the basement and one of them was trying to distract me. I heard the unhook and went down to catch the unhooker, but only the unhooked survivor left the basement. When I checked for the unhooker the Claudette that I haven't seen appeared on top with no scratch marks. So that was kind of suspicious, but I didn't think much of it.
    The second time I hooked one of them when the gates were open and tried to secure the kill the Claudette wasn't even trying to hide it anymore since she unhooked the survivor instantly and started flying. At the end game chat I said "Nice cheats" while she replied "Nice camp". Guess that is a fair reason to cheat.

  2. That sprinting reminded me of my sister and I in Minecraft and I was wondering how the fuck she was moving at Mach 3. Turns out I WAS lagging, not enough to notice, but enough that her character turned into the Flash as my console caught up.

    Also, apparently I am blind as fuck as the killer as I walked past her give times (we played a few custom matches with just us to get used to the maps, mechanics and perks and sometimes we would just hang out and sometimes do 1 v 1 and I kept walking right by her).

    I think subtle cheaters are worse because they just take away fair play, they don't do anything amusing with it.

  3. Actually, you can see that David cheating earlier than in the match. Around the 5:45 mark, while you're carrying the Jill to hook and the Meg and cheater David went to body block, you can see that David running at a slightly faster speed. Also, when you went to hit David, I'm pretty sure you made contact with him, but since it was out of your POV, it could come across as a miss. Must of turned his hacks on and off once he knew Jill would get out.
    Gotta love these subtle cheaters man. They think they are being so clever, but all it takes is one slight screw up to reveal them for what they are.

  4. Idk how some of the people in your chat thought it was lag or whatever when the window to the right of the basement wasn’t open and that’s the only possible way someone could’ve snuck by you cause you could see in front of you and to your left way better then to your right when you were by the basement.

  5. Maybe that ridiculous gen speed was the cheater's doing as well.

    This is why I stop playing this game. Apart from frustration you have to deal with from both sides, you have to deal with cheater prevalence as well.

  6. Damn, this survivours nowadays! Bodyblocking hook when it`s only a second hook in the game and the first one for this current survivour! Camping, tunneling dirty surviviours -rep, report and block them! ^)

  7. Have you run into the halved scratch marks cheat yet. Seen it twice now had a guy running lightweight as well but when chasing him I dropped back and timed them, they were disappearing in exactly 2.5 seconds. Had me scratching my head a bit for a while.

  8. this game needs overwatch but it needs to be out of the dev kit cause cheaters has access to it. Its a big blob of fuckery at this moment and making u think about your sanity. Can be this perk or this perk or this perk…

  9. Had a game at end where noed was cleansed in 5 secs after gens was finished. 2 already on hook the other 2 on last gen thanks too discordance n noed showed opposite side of the map where i was. 1 gets off the hook minute later both on 2nd stage btw then the last hook gets off then i give chase too the gate it opens. all teabagging at gate like they accomplished something the 2 hooks where close by the said gate btw gotta love hacks

  10. Like some people said, when you picked up the Meg I saw the David and was like "?????". But I absolutely understand how you can immediately think of cheats when stuff like this happens a lot. I've had lots of games where I was suspicious but not really certain, but lately I've had SO MUCH CHEATERS that think they're smart and subtle when you can tell they're not. Just yesterday, I had a demo game where I knew 2 people were on one gen, and 2 others on another. Came to a gen, found a person, ended up downing them. The two gens that were started pop AT THE SAME TIME. So I was kinda sus, but thought it might've been the new SuperSpeed Gen combo people like to use, since I was pretty close to that gen being done. Hook the first person, go away, she's saved not long after and insta-healed. Knew right there something was really really off. Suspicious were confirmed when I approached a Jeff, came real close to him, and he just straight up booked it away and ended up on the other side of a loop within seconds. And the worst thing about this is these guys are using Anon mode, so now when you go in a game with someone hiding their profile, you don't know if you're gonna face a streamer, someone who just wants to be invisible or a cheater. This is absolutely messed up. And I fear that with the release of the event on thursday, it's gonna be worse.

  11. I'm sorry SpooknJukes but your accusations are just not factual. Our lords and saviours in BHVR are banning one billion hacker accounts per second. There is no way you're facing cheaters. It's just a skill issue and you have to face it.

  12. How is this subtle tho? There is no way anyone could have gotten into the basement without you noticing it. That goes under 'blatant' on my list. This game is so dead. This is every 3 matches as killer, it's getting ridiculous. When you've playing as long as I have (2016), you just instantly notice all these irregularities.

  13. Honestly this is starting to look like the GTA situation, we have blatant cheating and the developers don’t seems to care all that much and aren’t trying to fix it at all. Sad shit

  14. Everyday i get almost every match a subtle cheater. I tought at first i got so bad at killer that i wanted to quit the game for a long time. I started to calculate in my head and analyzed the chases and almost every match i get at least 1-2 sublte cheater. Their movement is slightly faster so they reach pallets and windows faster. Their action speed is slightly increased. No Perks where used in a match with Fast af gens. When i called out subtle cheater my friends like: you are right up for the worst huh? guess they are just better. I told them and we went into a private match. Same perks used and same chase routes on the same map. I Got them everytime exactly a few milimeters from the pallet where the subtles vacuumed slightly forward and smashed them without getting a hit. So Fkn annoying…

  15. honestly a friend of mine did some digging and the games are hosted client side, that is the absolute worst thing a multiplayer service can do, especially for something as competitive as dbd. Hosting games server side won't fix everything, but it'll fix a large portion of the hacking issues.

  16. some weeks ago I faced a subtle (maybe not so subtle) cheater (they are banned now, so no worries). It was on RPD, I was playing Wesker and the hacker only started to hack once they were on death hook (which was quite easy because I forced a trade after they got 2nd stage). They subtly increased their speed when I lost LOS for more than 1s making them very difficult to catch in the end (the distance increasing while my pathing was near perfect was a dead giveaway for someone who has 5.3k hrs of dbd experience). Other dead givaways in the end were a blind they could not get (I looked up, not on stairs etc) and a failed auto DH I later found in the recording (me swinging at a pallet and them DHing while being completely safe).
    The best was that they tbagged in the end as if they accomplished something.

  17. you know what's even worse is if the cheater is playing solo and the other survivors witness them cheating, they will still defend the cheater, take hits for them, block the killer for them and then gloat in the post "haha you suck ass, you couldn't even beat a cheater" gee maybe cuz they're cheating "that's no excuse, I've beaten 1000's of cheaters" yeah cuz I'm sure you've never clicked the play killer button ever.

  18. I've come to have no respect for survivors, sadly. No hate its just that every single time a survivor make a good play, i question if they are cheating or not. I miss the day when a survivor make a sick dead hard and i was like "holy shit nice dead hard". Now am "ok dedicated dh maybe?" I used to type gg wp every single game but now i just type gg cause i can't know if they actually played well or cheated.

    Its just sad all together, cheating really ruin this game for me even when they are no cheater…

  19. The excuse "if BHVR didn't make killers OP" or "if killers didn't camp, we wouldn't have to cheat" is getting more and more popular these days. And it's honestly so pathetic. If the game is so horrible for you that you consider cheating… maybe just play something else instead of ruining it for everyone who still has fun?

  20. One day, i wanted to play dbd after a a while. I played wesker. My WIFI was TRASH! Some guy called me a cheater after. And I tried explaining. He was also a TTV 😂

  21. Maybe a Dead by Daylight update that allow players to save a replay of the game where they can view at their pleasure and see the entire map and players as well what their perks are.


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