The Jerk's Guide To Vecna | Dead By Daylight

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I was right to stop guessing the next Killer. Vecna in Dead By Daylight. Of course.

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Flight of The Damned Clip at 6:42: @PixelBush

Ending Theme: Yakuza: Infinite Wealth- I’m Jelly


42 thoughts on “The Jerk's Guide To Vecna | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I'm certain the video is amazing as always and I'm pretty sure I'm going to sound like the biggest jerk ever but can you please increase first person FOV when recording killer videos. I have a bad case of motion sickness and I have to avoid looking at my monitor to enjoy the video.
    Sorry if I come off as a demanding moron. Love your videos!

  2. I adore this character. He has a lot of complexities that once you figure them out makes you feel so powerful. Flight of the Damned is easy to dodge? Spawn it right on top of the survivors and watch it insta hit them. Survivors chaining windows? Use flight of the damned to quickly fly through or body block the next window. Survivor about to use the hand of vecna to teleport away? Cast a sphere right as they get in and watch them sit there completely flabbergasted. There’s just so many tricks to him and thanks to that and his versatile add ons, you can build him a variety of ways and still feel strong and fun.

  3. "They're giving them toys and us weapons" has got to be the absolute best descriptor to why survivors always say they the games casual and killers play to win. The game reinforces those view points.

  4. except Weave Attunement DOES work on some killer items. specifically Nemesis Vaccines and Wesker First Aid Sprays. in addition, Hoarder works on Vecnas chests and items too.

  5. I wish there'd be a rebalancing of killers and their perks to allow them to run goofy stuff like survivors are allowed to instead of being heavily reliant on their perks

  6. I don't think killers need perks like survivors get. There kit/add-ons make up for the fact they don't have goofy perks. Because unlike killer survivors don't have anything unique to each one there just skins.

  7. "The Survivors get toys while the killers get weapons."
    Aren't the killer powers meant to be the quirky tools to use though? I mean I kind of get what you're talking about, Last perk gimmick killers got was the Hex perks and… I think I just answered your question.

  8. uhh you went from talking about mage hand to talking about flight of the damned with no transition to talking about mage hand again. hastily edited I see.

  9. well to be honest on the situation about the perks, every killer do get toys in a form of a new power and etc, while survivor are basically a reskin with some perks about him, so they do need these goofy tools to have some freshness about them because that's all they got (and items, but will they add new item in? Rhetorical question, of course not)

  10. Im really scared the devs are going to get intimidated and make two changes.. they're going to nerf mage hand.. and they're going to nerf flight of the damneds instant injury proc. For example, if you summon the skellys ontop of someone, they won't damage them until they start moving forward or something.. and vecnas gonna drop off into the abyss.

  11. As someone in deep with DnD lore, I gotta say, the entity has upped its' fucking game significantly if it has VECNA of all people.
    Strahd would be one thing, Szass Tam another, but Vecna is in a league of his own.

  12. 6:03 you needed this disclaimer for blight lol 🤣 I actually laughed like a weirdo in front of everyone at work. Every dbd video needs this same warning. Like putting flammable on a gas can… everyone knows, but people will set themselves on fire and blame you if you don't put a warning for some reason 😂

  13. I've been loving Vecna, he's so fun. I've actually found the skele-shotgun to be more useful for information (with the lantern add-on) and/or a little bit of slow down. I've won many a chase because I forced a survivor to crouch and barely beat them to a pallet/vault because of it. Or they get hit by it. Win-win >:3

  14. I have had an idea of a killer perk that would be rituals

    these would impact totems still, but the first one i had was

    You may interact with any hex or boon totem, snuffing that totem and making it a dull totem. interacting with a dull totem will place that hex or boon you removed on that dull totem. hexes and boons are temporarily disabled while being carried, but will retain any tokens collected.

  15. now lets look at some
    Some recommended perks
    Some recommended perks
    Some recommended perks
    Some recommended perks
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  16. Franklin's demise and weave attunment is such a great combo. I run it on My Sadako and try to hit them when they are near key generators or TVs. monitoring the TVs and Gens and ready to counter any attempt to turn of a TV with a TP into their face. or unsure there are Survivors near TVs when I teleport. So much condemn.

  17. Hang on, is no one going to talk about the fact that Aestri and her group were questing to "bring evil back into the world"?? Reasons be damned, Faerun narrowly avoided an apocalypse because a bard was bored!


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