The joys of being a survivor vs killer – Dead by Daylight

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Cheryl cant resist bouncing to the beat of killer suffering. #shorts #dbd #dbdclips #deadbydaylight

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34 thoughts on “The joys of being a survivor vs killer – Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is completely wrong all killer and survivor mains hate each other we know that but as a killer main myself all I do is play house of the rising sun or fortunate son as loud as I can and get a 4K were as survivor it’s ether meam all game or sweet for escape best for both sides it to have bloody fun

  2. Ghostface is a stressful killer to go against, he walks, can run, crouch, peek around corners, can stalk you from your big toe and can go silent smh they could've at least made him clumsy af like in the movies, trip in chases, or do a flip over you if you crouch while he's running and swing his knife

  3. killer : ironwill?deadhard?sprintburst?headon?quickandquiet?powerstruggle?fakewindow?flashlightsave?ds?deception?balancedlanding?unbreakable?soulguard?lithemaybe?kindred?

    survivor : uhhh gen uhh terror radius uhh pallet uhh exit gate

  4. Both of them are balanced. Killers are significantly easier than survivors in low mmr. Survivors at high mmr will struggle from some imbalanced killers, nurse, spirit etc

  5. As a killer main, honestly unless your playing one of the big bad meta killers (Nurse, Blight, Meyers, Hag, Ghostface or Huntress) it honestly sucks, and playing the same killer kinda sucks too! Since I like to play doctor and pig, Im almost always getting bullied by sweaty swfs or some random rank 100 in solo, not to mention this new eruption slowdown meta thats formed, which makes me spend more time kicking gens then actually chasing survivors, and I can't NOT run it! Awhile survivors can get away with running off meta stuff like lithe or overcome, if you so much as breath off the meta on killer, your almost guaranteed to get 1ks if your lucky, unless you so happen to have the skill of someone like lilith or coconut, and the you realize why they are so good at killing when you look at what killers they play.

    Im not saying killer is unfun, but alot of times im spending more time working than playing.

  6. Well 4flashes, 4aderalines, 4dhs, 4 Unbreakables and 4 Borrowed Times and survs are like: Meh GG ez easy win"
    Meanwhile killers: F*co it blood warden NOED and Devaur, we ain't goin easy


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