The Knight Is BROKEN! | Dead by Daylight

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20 thoughts on “The Knight Is BROKEN! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Do you have any changes you'd want done to him? Seems like you like him a lot, Grey. Personally, I think his power isn't good for much besides shutting down loops. Lots of potential for fun with him is ruined by survivors holding W, and that makes the game boring for both sides.

  2. Just put Guard before pick up to counter flash saves 😌
    For some survivors I see they change loops so much , u can counter it by spawn Guard without make long path just little touch

  3. Broken but in bad way, cause survivors see his ability and can dodge every time, so this OP in video description just klickbait for me. killer is weak if they put killer and don't change anything i just skip it

  4. Moreover, if you didn’t play against your viewers but against random players, then I’ll say that on PTB are only bread players and the very fact that they repaired all the generators already indicates that this killer is very weak

  5. So far the killer is pretty weak but not like the lower end his power needs a lot of tweaks and buffs the guards need to spawn faster and they shouldn’t need line of sight maybe controversial also the survivors shouldn’t be able to see the knight using his power and they shouldn’t see the range.

    They need to remove the flag or flat out remove the massive speed boost the survivors get same with the bt and make the guards a bit faster the fact a survivor can just out run around a small rock and outrun the hunt is ridiculous also they need to make the AI faster

  6. The Knight is pretty weak imo after really seeing and thinking about all the counterplay possibilities. Probably low B tier at best when people really get the hang of playing against him I think.

  7. As a killer main, he seems pretty weak. His power is so predictable and easy to avoid. Cool Mori and his teachables are pretty solid. Only gonna prestige him for his perks until he gets a rework


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