The Knight Is INSANELY FUN! – Dead By Daylight

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The Knight is very unique and fun to play! Have you tried them yet??

Watch me play the new killer LIVE!

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More DBD gameplay

1:25 MATCH 1 bots
4:46 MATCH 2 bots
7:08 MATCH 3 real players


47 thoughts on “The Knight Is INSANELY FUN! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Add-Ons: Flint and Steel with Battle-axe Head plus Perk: Lethal Pursuer amazing especially for end game to find forth survivor!! This is going to be first nerf lol also you can summon a guard before you mori to tackle any looky loos – the more you know 🙂

  2. I just realized, all the guards have some kinda reused animations. The carnifex has Oni’s blood fury movement animations, the Assassin has the Legion’s animations, and the Jailer uses Blight’s. Probably because BHVR didn’t have to time to make 4 entirely new characters and just used animations that made vague sense with their weapons

  3. Say what you want about the jankiness of the AI but I absolutely love that they're trying new stuff. Everything from the bot matches to the ai of the guards is a sign that BHVR isn't stagnating as much as we thought.

  4. Honestly the last three killers bhvr has made have all been really fun to play as. The turkey man is always fun to play , Captain whiskers probably the most fun killer to play. Then this killer the anor lando silver knight is gonna be a blast to play.

  5. They need to add ptb to console on Xbox sea of thieves has one and as soon as you sign up it appears on Xbox gamepass to install for free, and you can play all the future updates and test them. And it would also make queue times a bit quicker

  6. This killer is fun as hell to play as, strong without being yet another speedy/teleporting killer, and has two decently strong perks with one situational one. I'm fully expecting a nerf before release. He requires a different strategy to beat and we all know how much survivors love having to think.

  7. Haven't finished the vid yet, so ill delete this if you've already figured it out, but im pretty sure the green aura is telling/reminding you about the objects that you can have your guards interact with during placement.


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