The Knight is still just meh. | Dead by Daylight

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The Knight got a buff this patch, but he is still just as meh as before.
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22 thoughts on “The Knight is still just meh. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I like the Knight the only change I would make is the speed which the ghosts jump when they detect a survivor, sometimes it just takes way too long though I understand the need to give them a bit of a head start. Just a balance tweak there

  2. It's funny, because I played him for 4 or 5 hours yesterday and had a blast the whole time.
    He's very strategic, I was focusing on macro movement, trying to corral them into a corner and use the guards to cut off their escape routes. The long patrols are perfect for checking a gen you don't want to walk to, or know there are survivors on. Letting the guard chase one person while you chase another means two survivors aren't doing gens. Putting down a long patrol almost feels like agitation if you do it before picking up, and they'll watch your back for altruism.
    There was a couple games where really good teams forced me to guard a 3 gen early, but it was fine with only nowhere to hide. They can't just scatter and hide near the gen, especially if a guard starts chasing one and I chase another.
    My favorite build is:
    Lethal pursuer
    Nowhere to hide
    Sloppy butcher
    Franklin's demise

  3. You know what’s funny
    I’m actually noticing the buff a lot
    Because if you know in what direction a survivor is going (and it isn’t a too open space) you can place a gaurd right behind them while they are running which gives you that speed buff on the gaurds
    Now usually that would only get me some pressure in chase but now that they are faster i actually get hits in
    Even when i’m not also chasing them
    Although you gotta watch out when in red ranks
    Actually like the buff so far
    Some people are really good at avoiding predictions

  4. Knight is a macro killer, making him very boring for people who enjoy chases. Whether you're playing Killer or Survivor, if you don't like to control areas and split pressure across the map, you will hate the Knight. If there were more macro things that Survivors could do, like a secondary objective, people might have more fun. Unfortunately, that's not the case and if you intend to play Knight a lot like I have since he released, then you're going to have to deal with a lot of people complaining.

  5. but you're not really using him for the point of the buff. the main purpose of the buff is to give the knight a different playstyle than just constantly spawning a guard at a loop similar to artist. the main purpose was for the knight to send guards far away to survivors instead. and if you do that correctly, he's no longer just considered as a "meh" killer. the knight using his new buff to send guards far away, can put on an insane amount of pressure to the survivors. but all that's really happening in the video is you are mostly just kicking gens with the guards. which is obviously one of the buffs, but not the main purpose. I was playing the knight and going against him the day the midchapter came out. and playing as him, the survivors struggled really hard, and going against him, I also struggled hard because he was doing the new strategy the buff gave him.

  6. The buff to knight is good, but it doesn't change the fact that his power is still just super unfun to play with/against. It's such a shame that the coolest looking character in the entire game doesn't have a cool power to back it up

  7. I love his aesthetic but he is by far my least favorite killer in the game. To play as and against

    I have all of his achievements so I will never play as him ever again.
    And playing against him as survivors almost a guaranteed 3gen with eruption for 45 minutes. Is game-play in Chase is so boring and I genuinely don't know what the developers can do to save this killer since they said they will never do a rework like Freddy or doctor again

  8. Yea don’t feel like the so called buffs is enough to make him a B-A tier killer. His down times are still a joke, most ppl still just shift W and get away. At high mmr they dead hard into your guard to create more distance and the speed buff to him is a joke. He still can’t catch up to the guard and o help chase if you do a long patrol. He’s still bad/ meme killer. They just need to remove all the handicaps like just make the green orb full invisible, no banner, more haste to catch up, and let me put my damn power down. Dumb that you can’t use your ability near walls or pallets.

  9. It depends on how you use him. Guards are better at patrolling hooks, and assassins are actually a threat when hunting now if you have the horse meat addon. I get much more hits and downs than before if survivors don't have lithe.

  10. The knight also isn't very fun to watch other people play because there really isn't any skill involved in using his power. So you never see anyone do a cool play you wouldn't have thought of yourself. Sadge for sure.

  11. If you play to win the knight is a demon. If you play for hooks he still good unless you playing against a good team who know what they are doing.

    The fact that you can push people off gens and drop them after someone unhook so the hooked person can't heal can make his pressure last long. Counter to this tho is boons

  12. You're not even using him in a way where you're taking advantage of his changes. But clearly you're not going to listen to actual criticism since you're only hearting and engaging with comments that confirm your own bias.

  13. knight is A tier at minimum S tier when using toxic addons. i dont see him as a weak killer, u literally need a full on mega swf to deal with him, and hes braindead when ur zoned against him, literally AI gets u killed.

  14. I quite enjoy playing the knight, he has a really cool power that can be used in multiple different ways, you got to use each guard for a different situation. With his buffs I enjoy play him more, that speed boost is really useful. Maybe just me but I think he is now in a pretty good state.


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