THE LEGION IS GETTING BUFFED! | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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This PTB featured many changes to a variety of killers, a few went unmentioned, including the Legion. The Legion’ Stab Wounds Study add-on is going to be buffed to 5 seconds for the live release! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
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38 thoughts on “THE LEGION IS GETTING BUFFED! | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. This is good because I like using Frank’s and stab wound study on legion. I hope we see more in the next update possibly a rework since half of the killers are getting buffed in this upcoming one..

  2. I mean I'm glad you're happy about it lmao, but even if it was a garanteed 3 hits down in power, it's still using 2 purple addons and you have to wait until power recharges lol, so it's probably still worse than just chasing normally after cooldown…. or am I missing something? Idk lol, but im glad to see them even making positive killer changes, gives me hope they might not be totally incompetent. :]

  3. Now!
    To be honest!
    I would give everything EVERYTHING even buffs to get custom chase music!
    This killer deserves chase themes for Julie and Frank (female and male Legion must have different themes) separately!
    But I'm super happy Legion gets attention!
    And I'm super sure this is not the last change!

  4. I really think this comparison to old Legion should stop. Yes, it’s a bad mechanic with little counterplay. But the differences between new and old Legion in terms of how lethal Feral Frenzy is are absolutely huge. These differences include, but are not limited to:

    -After every Deep Wound hit, new Legion eats a 4-second fatigue and then regenerates his power after 20 seconds. Old Legion ate a 3-second fatigue and had a 15-second recovery time—but more importantly, old Legion could use his power when the bar was only one-quarter full. One loses their power for almost half a minute after every hit while the other has near-constant access to their power at all times.
    -New Legion misses one Frenzy due to aim dressing or Dead Hard and goes on cooldown, adding an entire extra Frenzy use to their chase. Old Legion received no punishment for missing an attack—as a matter of fact, spamming lunges as old Legion actually allowed you to move faster than Frenzy’s base speed since the cooldown was so short.
    -New Legion requires 2 purple addons to down in 3 uses of Frenzy. Old Legion could down in 3 Frenzies in his basekit, and needed 1 purple addon to down in 2.
    -Old Legion could look at the ground to break chase and make Deep Wound tick down on its own. New Legion can’t.

    I’m not defending this addon buff. Trust me, I’m not. Feral Frenzy as a lethal power will always be a terrible idea at its fundamental core. But to say that the SWS buff means new Legion is even remotely close to old Legion is, frankly, absurd. The difference in lethality between these two iterations of Frenzy is positively astronomical to the point where the only real commonality between this and old Legion is “Feral Frenzy can down” which, by those standards, old Legion never went away.

  5. So I had 2 ideas on how to possibly help legion and was curious what u think. Either make an Iri addon that makes it for ever different survivor he hits with frenzy it will reduce the Fatigue duration by 25% (1 second) capping at 90% (at 90% it would be .4 second duration) or just make fatigue base line 3 seconds


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