The Longest Match In DbD History | Dead By Daylight, CMWinter

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42 thoughts on “The Longest Match In DbD History | Dead By Daylight, CMWinter”

  1. Tbh, there should be an offering opposite of getting sent to a certain map. You bring this offering and you won't get sent to a certain map. Honestly, RPD will be the death of me. Too big, too confusing. Don't like it, both as a survivor and a killer.

  2. I've said it often and I will say it loud "Base regression is an utter waste of time and there is no reason to kick a gen if you don't have a Perk that cares about kicking gens. Brutal Strength doesn't count." Baseline regression is 0.25 charges per second. For comparison a (lone) Survivor adds 1 charge per second they are on the gen, so the Killer has to spend two seconds (2 c) to kick the gen for it to start slowly regressing. But, wait, there's more! To stop this regression all a Survivor has to do is tap the gen, fraction of a second and those two seconds of the Killer's time is wasted. This is why Ruin is such a strong Perk, because it causes gens to regress twice as fast as they normally do and doesn't cost the Killer two seconds that can be undone in a fraction of a second every time a gen is interrupted.
    The two changes I want to see are 1) baseline regression is bumped up to 0.5 c/s, which is T3 Ruin and 2) to stop regression a Survivor has to spend a full uninterrupted half of a second on a gen that doesn't give any progress so they can't just "tap and go" in the middle of a chase. If number 1 happens then Ruin can be nerfed to just be 125% instead of 200%, that way it is higher than kicking a gen and saves the time you would be kicking but isn't too oppressive.

    Trapper "playing as intended" is very boring. Because to play "as intended" you do as the video; set up an area and wait in it. I like to trap in the middle of loops and other things but I rarely play Trapper.

    You really should have moved the trap in front of the vault at the office area, closed things in more around the upstairs. Made a smaller area you needed to patrol.

    I also "strongly disagree" on the "This is how three-gens always were" comment. Before Boon: Never Injured it would take literally twice as long for people to heal, maybe even upwards of four times depending on how you count it. Before Boon: OP Please Nerf if someone was injured they and one other person would take sixteen second to heal, so that's two people out for sixteen seconds so a total of thirty-two total Survivor seconds wasted. With no med-kits or healing related Perks of course. If both of them were injured and they wanted to both heal that's a total of sixty-four total Survivor seconds wasted, again, no med-kits no healing related Perks. But now with Boon: Make The Killer Cry two injured Survivors can just heal themselves at the same time and only waste sixteen seconds total. This means they can get back into the three-gen faster so the gens have less time to regress. Yes it would probably be very similar but no where near as much progress on the Survivor side.
    Boon: Why Even Bother Hitting Anyone If You Don't Insta-Down is utterly broken and should not have Self-Care attached to it. We already had the Self-Care Perk so why? Just, why? Why.

    Really, that trap at the window is basically useless with all of the paths around to the gens. That and the trap in the broken wall. Just pull in tight around the direct entrances to the gens and never leave. If you're going to commit to trapping an area fucking commit to trapping the area you've chosen. Don't try and trap the outer sections of your selected area.
    Either trap could have been moved to the doorway at the top of the stairs above the gen near the hook at the bottom of the stairs thus blocking off that gen unless they disarm a trap, so then you never have to go check it again until a trap is disarmed The other, along with the one at the pallet in the board room, could both be used to fully block off the integration/observation room area leaving only one gen to actively patrol until a trap was disarmed.
    I'm really curious as to the logic on why you kept those traps there when all they were doing is being disarmed. They do work in those locations if you are actively chasseing people but for area denial there are few other places other than "out in the middle of the room" where they would have been less useful.

    Yeah, this is a hard win for CM.
    Geeze, I hate Survivors like those two. Not even trying to win anymore and instead just want to bully the Killer instead of giving up.

    Thanks for the video CM.

  3. Love your perseverance to fight through the "High mmr" swf strategies ie running to boon safe haven, the locker flashlight saves, gen tapping right after getting pop value, etc. Great vid, glad you had thana in your build.

  4. I remember 3 years ago I was playing dbd trying huntress for the first time. it was a difficult match for me since I had no practice with huntress, but I got 2 kills. when only 2 of them remained in the match, they were hiding in every corner and every rock of McMillan, so i started patrolling gens and i noticed they were not getting progression. then i realised they were going to hide all match. I started the match at 19:15 pm more or less, I finished at 20:40 pm, and yes, I could find them but i went afk like half an hour. i never played dbd again that month, i got too upset.
    hilarious fact: they were iri ranks xd

  5. I had a match as a doctor, and I thought 3 gen is a good strategy. I finally create a 3 gen that is literally next to each other. After the game, I had 2 conclusion: do not kick a generator unless you are having the advantage because it do nothing if survivor can spend 0.5 second on your 3 second animation, and do not spend too much effort to create 3 gen unless the killer can insta down or down very quickly. That is before boon, they need at least 2 person to leave the area and heal, now, you can do it on your own.

  6. It’s so funny cause you keep calling the survivors cringe but what’s more cringe is you greeting the WHOLE time🤣 at one point you called the Jake shit for dead harding to a pallet then stunning you.. if anyone was shit it was you at that point! I love you really but when your being paid to do this you need to hear what you’re doing wrong

  7. Glad I'm not the only one who finds themselves in this brain-dead cycle of:
    -Brightest shirtest survivor takes a hit
    -Runs to other side of map where killer "will surely" chase them
    -Others taunt you to chase them, the wounded one heals under a boon
    Overwhelm killer with the above give or take with some REALLY unique perks /sarcasm
    -Lather, rinse, repeat in hopes they'll get bored and DC

    Nope I can play these games until the cows come home.


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