The MMR Test was… interesting… | Dead by Daylight

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In short: I don’t the MMR making me wait longer and pairing me only against strong opponents, but the current state of the game sure does make those games quite miserable. Strict MMR will never feel good as long as there’s a huge gap between Solo vs SWF, items vs no items, top tier Killers vs bottom tier Killers, offerings vs no offerings, etc…

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46 thoughts on “The MMR Test was… interesting… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. DbD is casual party-like game with RNG. Well, it WAS, thanks to meta-sweat-heads and devs DbD isn't fun at all right now. I honestly don't even know why solo players still play, probably just to suffer.

  2. For newer players this is terrible, if you don't have any good perks, you're going to have a terrible time. The massive grind does not help at all, I seriously hope they remove perk tiers ASAP

  3. Most of my matches are the same since mmr was added, the roster of killers are very small and they usually are above average which is accurate to my and my friend's skill level, how ever we always get not so good team mates, we get people with less than 100hours (i have +800 and my friend has +600) or just people who are not so good so almost every match feels like a 2 vs 1 vs 2, as the killer, most of my matches is at my skill level which is not something i like because i don't like to do meta things i just play for fun and play however i want to as any killer and i want to and this is very punishing for me especially as sadako since she is not very good in high mmr matches. Some reason ever since mmr was added my hag's mmr is on the roof and won't go down, i constantly play against full teams with meta builds and you can smell the sweat when you chase them and since mmr i've had one kill as hag, and yet every match is the same even tho i'm above avarage killer (on every killer except nurse, spirit & blight) so it's not even a skill issue. This just rlly forces me to drop hag out of my roster because it doesen't feel like i'm allowed to play as hag anymore

  4. I understand now the disease that lingering in DBD

    Everyone want to win, everybody want to bully everybody

    Wasnt it logical that if you have mmr high you also fight high mmr?

  5. No Killer wants to go against that every game. Exactly! And because I'm not sweating like 90% of the people on high mmr and I see the same people over and over again with the same meta squads, I quit playing Dbd. Every game is the same.
    Dead Hard
    Iron will

  6. Day 1: i felt really good both as killer and survivor. Im not the best killer but i had fun for all games i had, the survivors skill level was all over the place
    Day 2: it was a pain, killers were out of my level, all survivors had 3x more play time than me and i would barely manage to kill 1 or 2 survivors
    Day 3: the mmr would periodically change. As killer first 2 games were easy and then other 2 would be really painful, same for survivor
    Day 4: didnt play
    Day 5: it was between day 1 and day 2, managable and fun but still hard in some ways

  7. Maybe having an unranked matchmaking system would be better, like they have in competitive shooters like csgo and valorant. It would give a place for competitive players who want to play with the best perks/addons against the best killers, and for people who just wanna chill, have some fun with some fun perks

  8. Day 1: High MMR Players had the best DBD experiences of their lives. Low MMR players were in hell.

    Day 2: High MMR players were in hell. Low MMR players were having a great time.

  9. The most fun games was when you had a group of survivors with clearly different skill levels and even if their average MMR was the same as the killer(me) you also had one or two that was way better and two others who were worse, that makes sure it did not feel stale, and created some need for me to identify their skill level and value if its worth committing to them, not sure if that's the most fun for survivors but as a killer it felt like the old good days pre MMR.

  10. I always dislike mmr in every game that its in, it's starting to feel like you can't play a game casually anymore. Every match makes me feel like I have to do my best or get stomped. It's super exhausting.

  11. Whatever they changed right now I actually really enjoy it, I see a lot more perk diversity and different killers with different skill levels I still die a lot but before I would just get camped/tunneled almost immediately every match.

  12. People complaining about matchmaking times on days 2 and 3, but me before cross platform was implemented had 15 minutes minimum of queue time, somethings going up to half an hour. Gotta love switch 👍

  13. Day 1 was to loose and chaotic.
    Day 2 was tighter
    Day 3 was even tighter
    Didnt play much day 4
    Day 5 was some kind of groove, the games were fun. I think it was loose, but not to loose? Idk

  14. I was wondering why I got a match with all red ranks yesterday when I'm literally just like bronze rank 3 ish. I managed to get all of them but it was definitely tilting at points with how tough it is to go against some of these really competitive players it turns me away from playing at times.

  15. Actully in Asia server this is very normal to having both killer and survivor to use all meta perk. The gens are being rush very hardly and in my experience almost half of the games all gens finish within 6 min and it’s a normal situation from what I heard.

  16. Day 1/2 I felt pretty good, went decently, day 3 was fucking miserable, I almost broke my controller a game or two in because nothing I did worked anymore. I only played killer for any of this.

  17. i love dead by daylight but in the past few days I don’t think I wanna play killer for a while 😅 it’s constantly different. im a silver rank rn and for every game it’s so random. for instance one game I get 4 new players and then the next I get a swf of red rank 1s all equipping flashlights and dh. my hex totems get cleansed instantly and the match is so boring I end up dcing or giving up because it’s 2 gens with one hook and I hate running noed because of the backlash you get for running it. it’s just not fun to play in those kinds of matches no matter who I play as. I’m a console spirit plague main and spirit is literally unplayable for me now. everytime I go as her it feels like I’m playing with the sweatiest gamers ever. idk if it’s probably just me but dbd is just getting boring

  18. Otz keeps saying – “You’re going to meet more people using more Dead Hards” – “You’re going to keep having to run meta builds” “You’re going to keep running into cheaters”. But he’s conflating his MMR with average players.

    Otz is forgetting that he is almost certainly a far, far outlier in the MMR. Obviously when the system is trying extra hard to put him against survivors with equally extremely high MMR they are all going to be play just as well as he does, if not better. So of course he’ll be trying hard to get 2-4 kills because that’s how it should work!

    Otz sounds like he simply isn’t used to playing against survivors that are all his own caliber. He’s complaining that people “really seemed to be trying to win” and were running good perks and therefore he really had to try hard himself to win against that. Well, duh! Why should you expect to win against people your own skill level if you’re not trying to win in the first place?

    Nothing is preventing Otz from playing “more causally” and however he likes, but he shouldn’t expect to be able to do that and also be able to keep winning against players that are as good as he is. If he wants to be able to face lower skill players for easier matches by playing suboptimally then he needs to accept that maybe he deserves to actually lose matches against better opponents when he does that.

  19. Day 1 for me was easier and I got more variety bit the 2nd day was way worse. I've been having fun with sadako but it was really frustrating playing an m1 killer and facing really good loopers nonstop. So I think that if your at a high mmr like I am playing a good killer like blight, nurse, or pyramid, went better but playing a lower tier killer like nemesis,sadako, or Ghostface will be considerably more difficult

  20. I feel more and more that this game needs a separate queue for ranked and unranked. On paper, getting matched with people of similar skill is good, but if on a particular day you do not want to play at the peak of your abilities, you won't have a say in the matter. But if there were separate queues, you can just go into an unranked one and fool around as much as you want, without affecting everyone else.

  21. Meh I'm going on about 1200+ hours mostly as killer just goofing and doing what I can to have my own fun. Lately with SBMMR it was always a significant comp squad which enforced the killer players expectations need to be lowered or you'll go insane. Now a days I just meme and do dumb crap as a killer, if I get some kills or hooks cool but I miss the days I met mid grade casual, sometimes new survivors, because that was how I enjoyed the game. LOL now that I look at myself I play killer nice and probably loose kills and it reminded me of a game where I just ran around as Billy milk man and someone DCed so I just memed out had fun, made sure we got max BPs. In the end chat all three say it was the best match of DBD and could not stop laughing, we had a nice chat spread the community love (very rare I know) and made me miss those days. Now killer bots are a thing… I hope BHVR can put out all the fires but there are a few.

  22. I dont blame survivors for running meta every game and never have, because as a good player you always go in a match with the expectation of the killer often playing a strong killer with the usual meta builds too PLUS addons. This is never gonna change.

  23. I like to switch up my builds and run fun perks a lot, during this test I felt like I couldn't play with anything other than the best builds. I resorted to using DS Dead Hard, Resilience and Unbreakable; I was not having a fun time.

  24. I'd love a permanent "no MMR" mode, I'm not the greatest killer and a dog water survivor, and sometimes I just enjoy fighting clearly veteran players or cats that snuck onto the computer and somehow got into a match.

  25. the past few days have been so fun. i had really really good teams that still were fun and didn't trash talk in lobby chat, and only one player called me a noed scum, and only one other survivor said i was useless because I was careful and they weren't. Like I popped 2 gens and killer rarely saw me even to save.

  26. i dont remember what day it was, but i played 2 killer matches against 2 fully decked out swfs back to back (DH, DS, Unbreakable, BT), on a killer that i havent played for a long time (about 2 months i think) and i just stopped. Im a person who thinks riding the meta is the most boring way to play any game, it can be fun for a while, but seeing the same stuff over and over just gets boring, and you needing to try your best to do remotely well in every match is just frustrating. i have quit many games because of these reasons, and i dont want dbd to be added to that list.

  27. sweaty survivor builds is not a thing because there are no really good variation of perk for survivor . you try anything outside of the standard variation you get tunneled or killed out the game first. killer can have so much variation in there builds and it works for them to get said kills while survivors don't have that option . someone using DS doesn't matter because it only works if you tunneled . borrowed is a main stay so you cant slugged on hook or trade. dead hard covers you in 99% of situation .

  28. I feel like the Devs could implement a Ranked MMR and a Casual where the Casual side limits the number of Meta Perks used or forbids certain combos.

    This would address the players that want the Sweatfest with a Ranked System where they can repeat the same matches against the same killers over and over and over again.

    And yet it also gives us normal players the fun setting to play around with Off-Meta stuff without worrying about running into 14 Brand New Parts, Dead Hard on every Survivor, insufferable perks on Killers, and other unbearable perks, items, and addon combos.

    The Devs would need a Monthly Ban/Limit List they implement to keep up with the new discovery of broken combos, but it would make it less Sweaty and promote experimentation

  29. Recently, my experience has been bad. I've been playing Pyramid Head, my highest mmr killer, and Oni, who I bought a few days ago. Every other game I either get destroyed by very experienced swf, sometimes toxic sometimes not, or I have such an easy time that I get only like 17000 bloodpoints before winning and get called a neckbeard sweat lord even though I have some level 2 perks and no add ons, not even 400 hours in the game between both sides and idling. It just feels bad either way. The only matches I've been enjoying recently are the ones with a 2/2 kill/escape. It feels awful when survivors make atrocious, self sabatoging plays and then bm you when they lose, even if you play nice and don't hook the claudette that they let rot on hook when you were on the other side of the map and then unhooked in front of you after showing off no BT. Feels just as bad when playing a no mobility killer against 2 Boon:CoH and 4 dead hards clicky clicky map offering eerie of crows or the game.

  30. Yeah i dont want a competetiv dbd, i rather want a random match. I enjoy more to get crushed one match and dominante another one, rather then sweating every match and have average and fair matches

  31. Started playing back when nurse was put and have 1k hours.

    Stopped a while back and am debating a full Uninstall. The game is more frustrating and stressful than fun now for me.

    If I want a stressful experience I'll play Fromsoft games and at least get a sense of accomplishment when I overcome the Orphan of Kos.

  32. I liked that day 1 had a mix o skill levels. It's nice to have a mix of chill games and some learning from the better players throughout the day. But I was very unlucky maybe? I had so many toxic teammates that day… Anyone had the same experience as well?

  33. Hey otz. I had a good idea. I know you're probably tired of hearing suggestions, but I'm curious your thoughts on this idea. Certain perks get assigned values by the MMR system. Meaning, if you play with "stronger perks" (dead hard, DS, BT for survivors, No way Out, Ruin, Corrupt, POP for killers, just to name a few) your value in MMR gets buffed, or lowered. Allowing for either more casual matches that challenge more experienced people to run with weaker perks, and to decrease the incentive of meta perks over all. Obviously, it would need to be more well thought out, and it's still a rough idea. But I'm sharing this here so that maybe someone from BHVR sees it, or a response from you to see your thoughts at the very least. Wonderful video as always!

  34. MMR killed the random enjoyment of this game. Killers had the opportunity to see that the game was a relaxing screw around fest. Day one proved that. The fact that killers winded down and used funny meme perks again and everyone was being stupid and having fun was the whole reason this game did so well. The sweaty people force others to adhere to the amount of effort or face hours upon hours of losing. Its a shame how bad its become and how little so many people enjoy this game as much as they used to.


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