The More Effective Way to Play Singularity – Dead by Daylight

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Basically use his power solely for chases, not for map control.


40 thoughts on “The More Effective Way to Play Singularity – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don't know why it slows you down for using it near a hook. I think the slower lock on speed is enough on its own. Not like it really stops you from camping if you just sit directly in front of the hook.

  2. I think it's over selling it to say EMPs are only crazy strong vs good teams. They're not hard to use to either help each other or for yourself. They're constantly available and have a massive area of effect.

    Personally I think it should make you drop your item, you should only have 3 of them and they should take longer to spawn. For how strong they are, they need to be less available and less of a "why wouldn't you carry an emp?" type item

  3. TBH, its power's at its best when you get the cameras higher – they have plenty of range, and you can get some funny ones that are hard but not impossible to hit with the EMP bubble. One above a TL structure will also often net a lot more value than one sitting near a gen, because it's harder to charge an EMP in chase through windows, and people won't prioritize it once they leave the loop – what I'm saying is, get a hit, get a biomass attached with 'trapped' pre-planned chase zones, then just spam the Overclock.

  4. I always thought it was weird that the survivors can speed up the process of making the EMPs, but the Singularity can't speed up the recovery of the camera he's currently using if it's disabled.

    Obviously he can break it and put it back on but if he's not there then what? I've had so many moments where a camera nearby a gen that was almost complete was disabled and I just had to accept it.

  5. What do you think about If you are "infected" and use an Emp it removes the "infection", but doesnt turn your cams of, but if you arent "infected" and you use Emp you turn the near cams of.

  6. Its not like SWFs stomp almost every killer anyways..Hes somewhat map dependant, but what I like about him, beside the fun mechanics, is that he allows a nice variety of different builds and playstyles. The only thing that is off now, is the gen rushing meta and the mostly nerfed anti gen perks (+ some unbalanced maps) imo.

  7. Hooked survivors should just have their slipstream disabled for 20 seconds after being unhooked instead of straight up deleted and then I believe he’d be significantly less frustrating

  8. the next step for dbd should be on changing something in the game; new modes, new TYPES of cosmtetics, ranked/more promoted tournaments, and definitely bhvr showing us their process ste by step on reworking add ons because something isnt working in their programming department

  9. Blast Mine was at its best when they first added it and everyone was using it and the Flashbangs. For me as Killer, not as survivor. Specifically while running Lightborn so I can see the auras of the little shits hiding behind a tree 10 feet away giggling at me getting "blinded" so that I could make it look like I accidently found them for my free hits. God, so many free hits… I loved it lmao

  10. My proposed change to the emp is make it so that once an emp is used there is a cooldown following that survivor in an invisible radius that prevents them from using and emp and would also stop teammates from abusing them to help other survivors but also allow for survivors across the map to still use them and stop you from teleporting far away

  11. I think that 1 the range needs to be reduced a lot. its insane how you can emp multiple spread out cams and cleanse your teammates at the same time. and 2 there needs to be a minimum time that a cam/slipstream stays up before its empable (ie 30 seconds or so) and make a visual indicator for survivors give it a green outline or something until your able to emp it. And as a last bonus I think it would be nice if there was a loud noise notification where an emp is used. It does make a pretty loud pop noise after all so it would make sense and still be quite fair.

  12. Dbd is garbage. It's just not a fun game. Simply put. Been playing since 2017 off and on. It's awful. For both sides.

    Anyone that plays only does because of addiction. It's a badly designed game with incompetent developers.

  13. They just made a little key lock on skull merchants drones when you disable them, maybe do something like that when you’re picking up an EMP?


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