The Most BACKWARDS Salt I've Ever Gotten – Dead By Daylight

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Even when I try and play “nice”, this is what I get…



49 thoughts on “The Most BACKWARDS Salt I've Ever Gotten – Dead By Daylight”

  1. People just have too much free time. IMO this game is grindy enough without 0 BP games, but apparently no, people clearly don't find the game grindy if they are willing to take 0 PB games when they would have been out of the dame in like 15 seconds anyway.

  2. Man I didn't think I'd ever get to check "Meet the stupidest person alive." off my bucket list but I'm pretty sure somebody who flexes with "Yeah well you wouldn't do so well if I had 3 friends assisting me using a third party software to gain an unfair advantage!" unironically is damn well close as I'm gunna get.

  3. I thought it was going to be one of those situations where the person was doing good all game but they got mad when you gave the immersive teammate hatch, which i experience way too much, but this was totally different lol.

  4. every time you say “it’s just a game” I remember once I had a dude message me after I creamed his swf team and he insulted me saying “I play this game after work to relax and you’re ruining it by killing me.” I told him to find a new game because dead by daylight is not a game one plays to “relax”…. He was so furious. All I could say is getgud.

  5. Lol I had the most bizarre-oland salt message on psn other night. Was a trickster on RPD. I bodyblocked at exit to stop him making the hook, he dropped him and chased me out. he then messaged me saying "Lol tbagging on RPD lol" "c u on survivor ;)" to which I replied huh i didn't tbag etc. said sorry you had a bad game etc. he lol'd me so i sent him a clip of me clearly leaving and not tbagging. didn't have the balls to say sorry and admit he was wrong.

  6. Legitimate question, and not trying to hate, but why is this content okay, but the saltiest reaction series is bad. Both is other people being salty and being highlighted. Not that I WANT this to go away, but I was just curious.


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