Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Hey all it’s PotatoSlinger here I hope you’re keeping very well!
In todays video we are playing deathslinger and this game was just SO intense..
Even though they played so well… we had an AMAZING endgame thanks to our build!
I hope you all enjoy this video! 😀
Introduction (0:00)
Gameplay (0:56)
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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
The title didn't lie.
Glad i got to watch it live! 😀
How focused do you think he was on a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest)? Seriously, that DS from the locker could have gone so wrong, but the Jane screwed up later down.
I don't main Legion ever since onyro came out, but Legion is how I found this channel. I'm not ready to say goodbye. I'm sticking around!
I got…. S A T I S F A C T I O N… (put electronic music here)…
The fact you have all end game perks with that title instantly gives anticipation for the close end game
Says he got insane value from all his perks. NOED was instantly cleansed, only barely had x3 on the No Way Out, only had x2 on the Remember Me only getting x3 and x4 after a door was already 99. Dudes focus was so heavily on the chat (which isnt a bad thing, he is a streamer after all), and it almost cost him with a build where you HAVE TO focus. End Game build and dude was not prepared for end game. Im not saying being Otzdarva and sweat. Im just saying if you are going to use a build that heavily requires you to get tokens for multiple perks, focus on getting those tokens.
I got insane value out of all my perks, NOED and its 5 seconds of existence: Are you mocking me?
no more max dpi on yt plz, I couldn't watch it without getting dizzy
It's never over till it's over. 😀
Potato try a Lockdown build how I call it. Corrupt Intervention, Thrilling turmurs, Dead man's switch,Blood warden
That was intense AF! Ggwp to you and the survivors
Dude, we want your reaction about new legion chase music
I was expecting you to at least get a 3k but your perks really came in clutch for that 4k. Great game!