The most KILLER SIDED map in Dead by Daylight?

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9 thoughts on “The most KILLER SIDED map in Dead by Daylight?”

  1. I haven't played this game in about 4 months and I can say with 100% certainty that this map has indeed been reduced and is tiny. I remember when I used to play it. It's ridiculously small in this video lol

  2. The map looks smaller than a single floor of Gideon Meat Plant lmfao. It has like 4 pallet spawns, they're all unsafe pallets and the map is a bee's dick sized. It's even worse than the most recently reworked Haddonfield, which is already tiny as hell. I didn't think that was possible but here we are!

  3. I absolutely hate playing on this specific map and the Clown one as a survivor because both of them grant the killer such an advantage solo que survivors are almost guaranteed to lose, unless the killer is a dunce.

    You have multiple very easy to guard three gens around main, and even the gens that are a bit further away are so easy to guard since the map is small it doesn't matter if you try to space them out, because the killer can get to them easily. It genuinely feels as unfair as loading in on Eyerie as Ghostface.


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