So your theory about it being nemesis was right after all.. i mean that makes the most sense since he was featured in a RE movie and prolly is the most popular one. How does he play like whats his ability and his weapon ? logic wise, mr. x would've made more sense but i also think nemesis is cool. As for the mori i like it, especially the ending
Second favorite mori, just behind death slinger
Ayyy thanks for uploading fast
Ok now💯💯
My 2nd favourite mori behind my boi ghostface cause the selfie just to amazing
no violence at all
Man, people took the phrase: "Step on Me!" far too seriously.
Thank you! I want to use this clip for my video ill be sure to credit you I hope you dont mind. :3
Nice one
The nemesis's mori should be the first time we meet him, outside the police station, with Brad death animation!!!
So your theory about it being nemesis was right after all.. i mean that makes the most sense since he was featured in a RE movie and prolly is the most popular one. How does he play like whats his ability and his weapon ? logic wise, mr. x would've made more sense but i also think nemesis is cool. As for the mori i like it, especially the ending
cool to see it in video , because mongols still don't understand the goal of PTB in game ….
OK… First it was the Huntress… Then the Demogorgon… But now, my favourite killer is deffently Nemesis. Can't wait to get him!
The mori is really disappointing
very basic :/
Damn. Now that's a good Mori.
His height nerfed from 9ft to 7 ft.
Very in character for him but the rocket launcher would’ve been better
Considering how much of a Beast Nemesis is this is kinda lame.
I never get this map 🙁
Enjoy the moris while they last bc there removing the moris bc it's to "toxic"
Shame they didn't implement the rocket launcher into the mori.
Hey, I think I've seen you on Yervs streams before!
This doesn't look that good kinda disappointed
Kinda too "soft" for a killer like this