The NEW Adrenaline Counter?! | Dead By Daylight

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36 thoughts on “The NEW Adrenaline Counter?! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. reminder that you only need 1 person with CoH to get teamwide value, so SWF only bring one.
    but bhvr instead just looks at usage stats and sees selfcare being more popular and therefore nerf that instead 🙂

  2. more of this NEEDS TO BE DONE IN THIS GAME, survivors need to start losing ALOT MORE 4 survivors plus 16 perks they keep bringing the same perks and devs really need to keep pushing perk out that completely destroy survivor perks since killers can only get 4 perks total, survivors should be 100% punished for all trying to play the same.

    boons are still 100% OP especially on two story buildings wtf is the killer going to do walk all the way up there to snuff it out, its just dumb period they need to give killers the agility basekit to remove boons 100% once snuffed out on that totem that totem should be destroyed and survivors should have to find another totem, at least make them waste a little bit more time trying to find a new one, it takes fuck 30s' mins or longer just to injure survivors at times, like damn the most i ever gone to a boon was 4 times and its pretty much a free escape for a survivor your chasing as well.

    but worst of all it like you said it takes the damn fear out of this game and 100% ruins the game why play m1 killers that are terrible at chase or no instant downs. ill just play nurse or instant down killers.

  3. In my personal opinion: If you are fully healed before the killer reaches you, it's not tunneling

    Before base kit bt, Borrowed Time already gave you essentially one extra heath state, aka the equivalent of fully healed, which still requires you to get hit twice. So if you're fully healed, with extra ten seconds of endurance cuz of base kit bt and the extra ten of Borrowed Time, along with new dead hard and other second chance like perks, that's technically 3 health states the killer has to get through in order to down someone who just got off hook by either being saved, getting lucky, or using deliverence.

    So is it really tunneling if I have to get through 3 health states of one survivor in order to down them again?

    (Before you start going crazy and thinking I'm wrong and ready to say stupid shit really think about it for a moment)

  4. This is one of the most satisfying ends to a killer game I've seen. Very well played! Great way to showcase Terminus, but I think BHVR really needs to do a review on boon mechanics. They can make such a huge difference in matches; it's very unbalanced.


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