Random Killer & Perks Roulette Ep. 51 | Dead by Daylight Builds

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg


Website that I use for randomization – https://dbd-randomizer.com/

Check out my shorts channel here! – https://www.youtube.com/c/OhTofuShorts

I stream Dead by Daylight 6 nights a week over at Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/ohtofu​​​​​​​/

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21 thoughts on “Random Killer & Perks Roulette Ep. 51 | Dead by Daylight Builds”

  1. you actually did get a ton of disillusion value, there were a ton of times where survivors could have dropped or vaulted a pallet but didn't during dissolution and it got them killed

  2. Your take on new haddonfield being worse is just completely wrong dude. I guess you've probably forgotten just how bad I'd haddonfield used to be. Or your just not have practiced new haddonfield enough yet

  3. Love those "wait a minute! I won already?" Moments, lol. They're so rare and feel so baffling. Last time I felt that I was playing Sadako on Badham and got in a situation where I downed two people at once, threw them both on a hook and then realized that there was a guy still on a hook from a minute ago and the only guy not on hook was injured and I had direct eyesight on all three hooks. Couldn't actually believe how hard they threw. 😂

  4. I feel like people misunderstand the hadonfield map. It's a really strong map to whoever knows it more. Killer or survivor. If a survivor knows.the map and the spawns, hadonfield becomes a monster of a map to try to catch them on but If the killer understands the gen locations he can easily lockdown a 3 gen early on and the match becomes a slaughter house

  5. the thing that scares me the most in this game is playing killer and killing 2 survivors with 2+ gens left. the match could end in 2 minutes or 2 hours depending on how stubborn both parties are. stealth players that do nothing are the worst for everyone involved.

  6. Hey tofu, I remember in a video you made a couple days ago; You said were running out of ideas for content, I just wanted to say that I honestly could just sit and watch you play regular killer games, you wouldn't even need to make any special builds. I just enjoy watching you play. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that as well. Dont hesitate to just post random games of you playing!

  7. got same bs where nothing happened. After one 1 kill the other 3 decided to hide in the corner of the of staircase of midwich where the dead end is and got afterwards accused for camping=patrolliling gens xD. Tbh I wish for this scenarios they add a suddendeath timer. Killer shouldn´t be puinished for playing well where the survs messed up and start to hide and waste time.


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