THE NEW CHAPTER Is TRASH!! | Dead by Daylight

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48 thoughts on “THE NEW CHAPTER Is TRASH!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The new map is ass. There is only one decent killer perk and two stupid survivor perks. Singularity's concept is cool, but it doesn't matter if killers aren't getting incentivized for chasing survivors.

  2. Your sentiment is echoed, I didn’t like the guy. Even 3gen is tough for him to stay managed, I feel like there are too many emps that can be on the field at once, ngl new survivor sending some old school Sisqo , Thong Song Vibes lol

  3. Once again another dogshit chapter. Glad you feel the same I really worry for the future of this game lmao. I’m starting to play it less and less

  4. Emps are madd . I got 1 4k with the killer. It is buggy af as well. As a controller player myself I simply think this killer is useless on console. Might just be me idk. But I feel like it’s wayyy too buggy for a controller. And like I said Emps are mad op against this killer especially when there are hardly any Addons to slow it down or anything, overall ima go back to playing pyramid 😂

  5. Bro you gonna have to hop off nurse lmao, Sally gets enough salt in the egc. Keep up the good work though. I didn't like him, too buggy and super easy to destroy his ability

  6. Wow, new killer doesnt have a thick booty, Quiet: Nah, not for me 😂
    I think in general ur right, but any SWF team dunks on all killers except maybe nurse and blight anyways. The singularity allows to go for some interesting builds, the sweattiest solo Q killer seems to be the knockdown build.

  7. I'm not a fan of the new killer. He looks cool but his power seems week to me. It's a worse Wesker and Nurse. The new map is dog water as well. It looks good but it's too cluttered. Behavior dropped the ball heavy on this anniversary

  8. Tried the new killer, and I think he suffers from two things:

    First, the EMP spam. They're so readily available all game that his power basically becomes irrelevant. Second, bipod angles. I've seen survivors barely behind cover, but the camera refuses to acknowledge them, which denies infection, or whatever it's called.

    You said it best, "Might as well play Pig."

  9. the new killer just looks cool and has mid perks that can be usable, but it isn't anything broken. That new survivor's perk scavenger is said to be OP and will get nerfed soon, but you'd have to hit the next 5 skill checks GREAT in a row not just hitting them normal, and that's if you get them that often, ran a custom with my friend and tested the perk out, just from missing 2 out of the first 5 I got, it got to the point that I almost popped 2 gens before getting my toolbox refilled, not that broken, you'd practically have to use it on the first gen so that you have the best chance of getting a refill before you either get killed or pop all the gens since there are indeed 3 other survivors who will work on gens given the chance. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I don't get skill checks often, so there has to be some sort of perk related to increasing the frequency of skill checks in that particular match for it to be easier to get the toolbox refilled. You'd run an engineer's toolbox with added charges and will basically repair around a quarter or so of the generator's progress and will most likely finish that generator and be working on the 2nd or 3rd when you can do that again once in the game. Not OP imo and just a niche perk to run along with prove thyself and popping generators with 2-3 people to rush the game. The speed related perk forgot it's name, it's great gives survivors an edge over the killers with dash or blink like the nurse/hag.

    Edit: forgot to mention the map, it's garbage, played on it first match into the update as killer and later as survivor, hated it. Not because it's survivor sided or anything, it's trash on both ends as survivor or killer imo. Completely agree with you on that, get it off the streets.

  10. Respect your opinion bro, but I agree the emps are just destroying his power but i believe they will be nerfed down. Right now, they are vastly unlimited (we can't remove them because he would just 3 gen which I can see why they added the emps) they are also very easy to pick up, free to use, and the killer cannot do anything about it. So, I recommend that the cooldown time for bipods be reduced from 60 to 30 when emp (60 is overkill) actually put in a combination to open the printer so the emps are not free to grab. Survivors are slowed to an extent when using them. We could also tinker with the range since its 30 meters I believe (don't quote me) and the delay between blasts (like 15 seconds i believe his brown add on does this) but mad respect bro and thank you for saying how it is with this killer cause at the end of the day you're not wrong the singularity has a lot of problems.

  11. Kills is right. The new killer is very easy to counter and honestly his kit supports slugging. I had player using infectious fright, knock out, forced hesitation, and deerstalker. And that was the only good killer that actually played the singularity well

  12. I was really hoping Alien was going to be the killer. I can see how they attempted to make that crossover. But I do empathize, Singularity seems like a cool killer and yet doesn’t feel fun to play.


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