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The New Infinite Dead Hard Build – Dead by Daylight
In this video we are going to be using the new and improved infinite dead hard build, hope you all enjoy!
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My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack
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hidden gem of yt
Ah yes, another naymeti video to work with
What's the benefit from seeing your scratch marks?
I love your videos Naymeti!! They are always so fun to watch!
Really good survivor one of the closest styles to reality no 360s good killers don’t eat them just god loops
love the video!!
Same map in all three matches this time! 😂 😂 😂
I always get nervous when going against Wraith, his little speed boost when he uncloaks terrifies me hahaha
Can't wait to friday and watch your stream!!! 😀
Hope everything goes as planned and internet doesn't play against us again 🥴
Cool and fun vid! Really love and enjoy your content Naymeti 🙌
Was that Wraith in the first game perkless? Cause I think that might have been me lmao
Great vid but not enough pumpkin kicking imo
had to specify not tea-bagging the killer I love it
I love your videos you’re so underrated 💜
love u bro
Self aware is call fixated on my game is that normal ?
Lmao was that a dead hard from Kate at 2:45 ??
That was a great video! Thank You for making my day better!
I wish I was that good at looping killers …
“Self aware” I am crying on the inside with how bad the new names sound.
Love your channel I haven’t been subbed for long but you’ve helped me improve so much keep up the good work🤟🏼
Nothin better than hearing an upbeat "what's going on guys" at the start of every vid from everyone's favorite looper/teacher 😁
My four perks right now are dead hard, resilience, this is not happening, and inner healing. What’s your opinion on the combination?
I might use this build because I just got dead hard on Quentin
Never get bored of your vids
The goat
I miss Nea. 🙁
"Today, we're gonna be using the new infinite dead hard build, so the first perk that we're gonna be using is dead hard " I love it 😂
holy shit naymeti uploaded an HOUR AGO
@1:43 that same thing happened to me as well. Messed me up during a chase.
Another great vid, keep up the great work!
Great work bro! 👏
you’re honestly my favorite dbd content creator atm pls keep making videos