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The New Infinite Sprint Burst Build – Dead by Daylight
In today’s video we are going to be using one of the best perk combos in the game, hope you all enjoy!
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My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack
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New killer vid –
I like both those exhaustion perks I have 2 builds for each and also a no mither build for fast gen repair. Awesome build suggestions and just wanted to say thanks I made my first iridescent grade this month
Sept 19th, 2021: "The Infinite Sprint Burst Build". Sprint Burst, Fixated, Vigil, Adrenaline.
I'm a little late, but im definetly gonna try this build out, thanks for showcasing Naymeti!!!!
What game are you playing because it's not dbd. There are never any pallets or windows for me to use when I play I swear
I be playing real gone by sheryl crow whilst using this build, bc I’ll be zoom zoom zooming fast like Cars!!!

GJ Playing all the time vs Baby Killer ….
I liked the video but how is that a "new" Sprint Burst Build?
I really enjoy his survivor videos … keep them coming
Hey new to the game any tips for learning loops/ how to position camera effectively?
No lithe?
What settings do u use?
Most killer abilities take you out snowmen unfortunately
You gonna tell me that doctor wasn't a paid actor LOL jk jk
Lisa is so cute
When he said self aware it physically hurt me
Can u tell me best ability of morel ?
can you please show endgame results, alot of people are saying that you pad your games (fake them)
Getting into a snowman is really annoying bc the animation is slow and the killer can hit you
How do i get vigil?
Do a balanced landing + dead hard with vigil build maybe