The Most Intense Tunneling in Dead by Daylight History | Dwight – Chapel

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40 thoughts on “The Most Intense Tunneling in Dead by Daylight History | Dwight – Chapel”

  1. I'm watching through Heart of Tyre right now, just at the start of the indigo scar.
    The stuff on Twitter that's coming out about Arcadum, it hurts so much, more then cry even.
    I hope you're okay.

  2. Just had an idea. What if they'd rework Resurgence so it would ALSO apply it's effect if you got downed after being unhooked. If the killer lets you on the ground because he thinks you have DS you'd get some additional value out of it because your teammates could heal you up way quicker now.

  3. Yeah.. Checks out..
    I get agitated by Nemesis matches tbh.
    Scott starting a fast vault, Nemesis pulls whip and cracks him with it before the fast vault animation finishes..
    Yet people tell me he is not broken AF in chase.

  4. I had a match two days ago, sent myself to lery's and got a spirit. She ended up tunneling someone and taking them out at three gens and clearly wasn't very good so decided I should take her because you can't trust randoms for shit and knew that if she tunneled another person we'd lose. Ran her for two gens and was on death hook by the last gen. I ran her for three minutes injured waiting for the last gen to pop because I had adrenaline until I realized what was happening, she downed me and I immediately started looking around and see both of the idiots walking around upstairs. She got a 4k

  5. Did you mix this title up with a different video or smthng? Literally next to no tunnelling here, at most it was just a Nemesis over-committing for way too long. Nice clickbait, I guess? Rake in some views on a kinda completely insignificant match?

  6. Hear me Out Resurgence , solidarity and We’ll make it 😐👀 Ban me now Or ? (Last slot can be Bounced around with many other synergy’s)

    Mom can i get for the people ?
    No Son we have for the people at home


  7. The worst part about this sort of spawn is that it can happen one way or the other. Just tonight I had a version of Groaning Storehouse where every single tilespawn (the big ones for L/Ts/Junglegyms) was a jungle gym, totaling 6 with 3 Long walls all near each other. And yet at the same time you can also just get the same spawn but every tile is literally not there or an L/T so no one can play.

  8. The most intense case was surely the Wraith with Steve on Otz's stream, the entire team went their way to block the killer because he would not do anything else but hunt the Steve until he was dead. And apparently from the killer's profile, they were proud of it.

  9. not gonna lie i got ya beat on the most intense tunneling in dbd history , last night had a pig running bag of gears and slow toxin for the sole purpose to tunnel people off hook and make sure they had to try to get their trap off lol was absolutely terrible

  10. I can see why they wanted to go for you with you on death hook and 2 gens left but at some point you have to just accept that it would take less time to just let them take a hit LMAO


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