Every Chapter 30 Possibility | Dead by Daylight Speculation

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#IntoTheFog #DeadByDaylight #dbd
In this video weโ€™ll be discussing what the next licensed Killer in Dead by Daylight could be.


26 thoughts on “Every Chapter 30 Possibility | Dead by Daylight Speculation”

  1. I think Jason is the lest likely because of the license problem with they've had been dealing with on the inside for years so I'm sure its guaranteed not for years.
    I do think this chapter is Predator because its a single killer and one of the biggest hints is the Grid Alien skin for Alien which is based on the Alien Vs Predator movie. So maybe they got a pretty good deal

  2. Hope to see the Springtrap next. It would give DbD a huge Boost in Popularity. Many FNAF-Fans would check out DbD, because FNAF-Fans are the Type of Audience that play Videogames. And with the Movie and all, it would be perfect.

  3. Alright, I'm just putting this as a warning. This will be a VERY long and lengthy comment so buckle up. xD
    So, breaking down each section/franchise pick I would have to say I fully agree with both the "not happening" and "unlikely" section. I also agree with Candyman being a "maybe" but, where I have a disagreement is with Pennywise.

    As you said, Pennywise is for sure a big enough license and it's clear BHVR WANTS Pennywise in. You did mention how they did contact them but, I'm not sure if you're aware of this but Warner Media basically had a "use it or lose it" period with the IT franchise so, I could see Warner going to BHVR for a deal now to try and keep ahold of the IT IP before it fully went back to Stephen King. Before getting into Springtrap/FNAF, I'd like to talk about The Nun.

    I'll start off with Nun first because, personally, I would've put that in "unlikely" because, yes. they could get into contact with the right people since they're working with Blumhouse but, there's two big negatives going against that. First, like you said, you just don't see many people requesting it, it's for sure on the lower end of the requests. Second, when it comes to the satisfaction surveys where they ask specifically for license picks, Nun WAS up there but in the more recent ones it has been taken off as a choice. That to me just kind of tells me the interest is just not there for BHVR to go after it. Onto Springtrap/FNAF though.

    I'll be completely honest here, I would move this one into "most likely". A lot is adding up, there's a easy connection to make thanks to working directly with Blumhouse, the movie is going to release just days before the possible PTB date, the fan demand has been there and will only skyrocket once the movie releases and, honestly, I do think there's interest from BHVR to getting it in. Going back to the surveys for a second, when asking "which license do you want" FNAF has been there since they started doing them and is STILL a option to pick so, clearly, BHVR has at least some interest in getting it in, if they keep putting it in as a choice. Not to mention it would make a truckload of money. Personally, I think the REAL question is, does the FNAF IP holders like Striker Entertainment want to see it happen?

    As for the "most likely" section, I agree with one pick and disagree with the other. The one I disagree with is, hear me out, Friday/Jason. Now, don't get me wrong, I 100% agree that it'll eventually happen but I just think it's still a bit too soon. They'd probably want to release a F13 Chapter alongside either a show or movie and, I also think there's no way that F13 wouldn't get the full chapter treatment with a killer, survivor and map. On the flipside though, yeah, I think Predator is the biggest possibility currently for all the reasons that you listed. To throw just a bit of a skeptical light on it though, do you think that would be a little TOO much Sci-Fi in such a brief time? It'd be kind of insane to get 3(or 4 if you want to count ToT) full Sci-Fi chapters all back-to-back. Again though, despite that, I still mostly think it will be Predator.

    Alright, that's my personal full take on all of this. if you actually read or even skip around to the parts you're mostly looking for, you're a legend! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. If you don't get Douch with Predator then I would love to see Arnold as Terminator in dead by daylight or get T-1000 from T2 and the Terminator as Survivor. Also T-1000 has ability to transform as a Survivor to sneak up on them that would be cool pretending as a survivor.

  5. God i hope chapter 30 is not Jason. Jason should be a chapter and i really don't want him yet, there are still some better choices. I think Chapter 30 is FNAF or Predator and Friday the 13th wouls be 8th aniversary or chapter after but before 9

  6. If we got pennywise I would want the Tom Noonan version not that new thing haha. I so want my boy Jason but with tommy jarvis and a camp blood map ๐Ÿ™ also terminator would make an awesome killer but you don't have to make hi arnold at all, just the red eyed exoskeleton sent to kill and destroy(like the one wiping out humanity in the future which is terrifying especially when they showed it in the sarah conner chronicals)beside john conner would be a better choice for survior but i would love to have sarah as well and a t1000 legendary skin ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘Œ thanks for all your work and thoughts crazy, getting hyped with all the possibilities. Weirdly enough i have been playing friday the 13th lately and wishing gun wouldn't have moved on but reinvented it for a new single player experience as well as an update for current gen. They so had the look and feel of the friday series and that should be preserved. I bought a physical copy as it is being pulled from shelves and the online store in dec. ๐Ÿ˜” though the game will still run up until dec. 2024 at least.

  7. i would like actually put vecna in to:maybe bcs we allready got confirmation that Bhvr still cares and wants Stranger Things license back and expand that license, we allready got some new buffs to Demo, and all of his perks and even Nancy and Steve's perks got in to shrine as accident? we didn't get any explaination untill 3 hours later very strange.

  8. some of tweet devs say about fnaf(never say never) so dbd want fnaf,if you say that is just words,than i say that devs can just ingnore that question,but they answer in that time,so i put springtrap to most likely with predator and jason

  9. I hate how every content creator ignores or pretend to act like T1000 never existed, T1000 is a good material for a killer, btw he got leaked / datamined for MK1, it's a shame DBD community and content creator keep sleeping on T1000

  10. F13 makes sense in theory but its highly unlikely. Although Victor Miller settled the court battle it was ruled he cannot use "any additional copyrighted elements" meaning he doesn't have rights anything introduced outside of the very first F13 movie, so the hockey mask or even just an adult version of Jason is legally off the table.

  11. Another we can think about is another saw character, personally Iโ€™m thinking detective Hoffman, we know the saw chapter 1 is going on sale just before chapter 30 comes out, also thereโ€™s another saw movie coming out soon, so I see it as very possible, I also want to note that for predator there is so many survivors that is possible, not just Arnie, I know predator is coming, but I donโ€™t think itโ€™s chapter 30 because I think it needs a map and survivor

  12. I think chapter 30 is slenderman because he is getting a remake of arrival in October and the new chapter gets released in November. Probably going too far with this but, 10, 30 both ending in zeros. And timing is perfect


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