Dead by Daylight – F.E.A.R. / Alma Wade: Lobby and Chase Theme (Fan Made)

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Ok, I gotta tell 2 things about this one.
1st: For the ones that do not know, F.E.A.R. mean First Encounter Assault Recon, so now you know were do my name comes from and how much appreciation I have for this game.
2nd: Maybe the chase part do not sound very β€œIntense” but I tried to do the best I can trying catch and get the F.E.A.R. feeling in it.
Tell me in comments what do you think about this one!

Time Stamps:
0:00 β€œMenu”
4:33 β€œTerror Radius 24 Meters”
5:11 β€œTerror Radius 12 Meters”
5:50 β€œTerror Radius 4 Meters”
6:28 β€œChase”

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Dead by Daylight is owned by Behavior
F.E.A.R. is owned by Monolith Productions


36 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight – F.E.A.R. / Alma Wade: Lobby and Chase Theme (Fan Made)”

  1. Gotta say, the thought of alma skipping after the survivors is terrifying. Also I love how the music box is integrated in to the music almost as if it's like the games. It's there, you know it's there, but it's in the background. Like alma who will gladly stay in the corner of your eye to make you doubt yourself.

  2. i doubt it would happen as the Developers aren't really active anymore i dont think. Within Game Lore it would be one of the Hardest killers for the Enitity to Take Alma is one of the most Powerful the Enitity could face she is dead yes but hey psychic power is so strong it can destroy who cities, drive people crazy kill armies in an instant and control almost anyone she wants on top of that she has 3 children one a Son who is dead and has some of his own psychic powers and the other being a Super soldier next to unkillable and a new child that could save the world or destroy it with a snap of a finger but fuck me wouldn't i kill to have Alma Wade or Fettle in DbD as a killer


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