Is The Old Meta TRULY Garbage??? | Dead By Daylight

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Before Call of Brine and Eruption, there existed a meta that a lot of people ALSO complained about. But does it hold up today? After Hex: Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, and Pop Goes The Weasel were nerfed – what do YOU think?


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My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 3 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

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19 thoughts on “Is The Old Meta TRULY Garbage??? | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I think the old metas are still useable corrupted can still very helpful if your a setup killer like Demo, hag, trapper or just having that slower start on gens can be nice. Ruin and pop are both options of you can get over there handicapp. The problem is gen kicking can be repeated and it does more damage faster.

  2. I HATED this build as a killer. I like consistency, I want perks that are good all game long. The only one of these perks I used regularly was Pop so I did not mind these nerfs at all. I loved the Legion gameplay.

  3. So underrated, you have an amazing channel man – top tier skills with great vibes, I want to give my thoughts as a viewer on why I find myself not watching your videos more. First of all, despite having notifications on – for some reason I don't get your videos recommended enough? not sure why. Second of all, and this is more related to my lifestyle – I tend to save a lot of videos for "watch later" since I don't have enough time to actually watch gameplay. I don't like watching dbd gameplay on my phone because it feels hard to watch all the detail on a smaller screen and it requires a lot of attention, so I save it for computer .. but by then I already saved so much newer stuff to watch later that it's hard to remember.

    Basically I'm just sharing my habits as a viewer, I tend to tune in more to videos that "discuss" aka just listening, more than gameplay because at work I can listen through bluetooth but not stare at my phone so intently for gameplay. So what ends up happening, is that videos where you talk about stuff I usually immediately watch – the same thing with otz, scott jund, coconutRTS, dowsey. But when it comes to gameplay even if it's educational it requires my eyes to be on a screen intently – and I don't like that on a smaller screen .. so I leave them for home EXCEPT by then my watch later is filled with more videos that require "just listening". And obviously in life, there are more things to do than just watch youtube so that also contributes to leaving stuff for later or perhaps never watching at all.

    Hopefully that adds some insight on viewing habits, I've created content myself and feel that sort of info can be useful – for DBD content in particular I feel that survivor gameplay is easier to watch on a smaller screen than killer gameplay .. killer gameplay on phone kind of makes me dizzy.

    The same things apply to streaming DBD – and if you're not aware, twitch vod replays are ATROCIOUS .. not sure if it's universal but it really buffers a lot for me. I can only really watch twitch streams through vods but since they are so sluggish I just give up on it.

    I would like to watch you more, but in my particular case as a viewer things just don't seem to align enough for reasons mentioned.

    Much love.

  4. None of those nerfs make much sense to me. Ruin being a hex meant it was always a gamble anyway, and now it's a gamble with very little payoff. Corrupt feels like you're punished for having a good start. Pop was only so good before since I often couldn't find the gen that needed it most, but at least it could kill a half completed gen too, now it's absolutely useless UNLESS you find a gen that's almost complete. They're all so weak compared to CoB, Overcharge, Eruption. With the Eruption nerf, probably Pain Res will be the best option.

  5. Survivors need to leave totems alone unless hex play thing is in play!!! If hex play thing is not in play.. then Survivors have no reason to break totems!!! And then Survivors wonder why killers tunnel and camp hooks.. well if you all would stop breaking the totems unless play thing is play then.. and leave other totems alone the killer would not camp or tunnel!!


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