The NEW KILLER is Kinda OP!!! – Dead by Daylight

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The Artist is the new killer in Dead by Daylight, and they’re kinda op! Check out Portrait of a Murder Chapter 22 in DBD on the PTB!

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35 thoughts on “The NEW KILLER is Kinda OP!!! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I expect her abilities to be nerfed into the ground before release.
    They're probably going to nerf her movement speed or increase her slowdown for placing the crows.
    Having a decent normal movement killer upsets survivors too much.

  2. I'm finally a powerful killer. Come on guys we had about almost a year of killer nerfs plus survivor buffs and boon totem, I think it fair for this killer to be powerful if survivor are with there boon totems.

  3. Okay, by what I understand, her crows work like this:
    When you charge a crow, you reveal the aoe flight path. If you hit a survival with a crow within the aoe marker, it will do damage.

    Past the aoe marker, the crow will continue to fly unimpeded by terrain, walls, or any other structures.

    If a survivor is hit by a crow that has flown past the aoe marker, the survivor is swarmed instead of being damaged and the swarm is revealed to you.

    The survivor can eventually knock the swarm away or can hide inside a locker to end the swarm's benefits.

    If a survivor is hit by another crow while being swarmed at any distance past the aoe, they will take damage.

    If a survivor is hit by another crow while being swarmed within the aoe marker, they will be downed.

    Basically, she saw Deathslinger as was like, "Hold my beer…"

  4. Bhvr $ strat: introduce a strong killer into ptb, get players excited so they buy them on release, release cosmetics for more money, slowly nerf the killer overtime until they aren’t worth playing, repeat

  5. This is a super whack chapter.. Once again it shows how detached Behavior is from their game… why in the holy hell would they nerf Death Slinger the way they did and turn around and come out with a killer like this??? This killer is way way too powerful in all the ways that the last few killers have been that everyone hates playing against… this makes no sense.. She is like Huntress, Pyramid Head, Deathslinger, Trickster. Freddy not combined but its like having to play against all them at the same time. she can literally set a crow at the pallet, window and exit of a jungle gym in the matter of seconds as your being chased just like Freddy's snares and can shoot them like Huntress Hatchets and Pyramid Head but doesn't even need to be their to shoot them. which gives absolutely no options. What kind of drugs are these devs on??? we all had the most miserable time playing DBD today, she has no counter play what so ever . you just have to decide if you want to go down by one of the crows at the pallet or window or dodge them and get hit by her m1. Behavior,…..why don't you hire some devs that actually play the game and understand what the hell is going on .Or why dont actually get involved with your community again. Even with the Mikela release. she had three new perks which two of them were Boon totems. within a 48 hours of her release they had to shut down her circle of healing power and like half the maps in the game due to her power.. how can you not know her power can not be disabled on half the maps before releasing the game??? I found 4 spots within the first 3 hours of playing that you could not snuff the boon totems.. If behavior actually played and tested their game they would have found these as well.. sorry for the rant its just disgraceful.. we all know she is going to have to have a major nerf or no one will want to play against her.. especially bc every killer that sucks at the game this will be their go to bc you literally need looping skills or mind games to down someone .. just set a couple crows as you enter the loop and down you go . if they werent so far you their own ass and would listen to the community they would realize that we Hate killers like the ones they have designed the last few years.. oh well another shit killer. i guess was not expecting anything more from these guys at this point.. im just glad vhs will be coming before too long.. it seems day by day the stars are lining up for vhs actually to become the new number one 4 v 1 …Behavior is def def helping them out.


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