The new killer trend in DBD is getting boring. | Dead by Daylight

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The new killer trend in DBD is getting boring. No, I’m not talking about the 1v1 chase killers, but rather how most of the new killers releasing in Dead by Daylight are all ranged killers, for the most part. Let’s discuss the new killer trend in Dead by Daylight.
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36 thoughts on “The new killer trend in DBD is getting boring. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Same dude. Honestly the amount of ranged killers in this game is tiresome at least and down-right annoying at most. Like as a Huntress main myself I see no point playing these other ranged killers since I can basically do what they can…BUT BETTER…It's like they're trying to capture lightning in a bottle for the second time.

  2. You are right with the new killers side of thing and i have to agree. Doe the perks that have been being used lately unlike alot of previous killer perks feel really nice and most of them i feel i can get a use or have fun with them. To bad mmr can make that hard.

  3. To be honest, its not easy to think up a new melee killer whos ability will be on par with everyone else. I mean, sure, they can be just m1 killer and their gimmick can affect his other parts and still be fun to play as and against (pinhead, cough-cough), but community doesnt want that, they want easy-to-use-end-chase-quickly-shut-loop-killers, with good map pressure on top. Artist is the pinnacle of that and in terms of pleasing the community – best thing they have done

  4. Her backstory is boring as hell and uninspired, too. We can't have female killers wo them having tragic/torture porn backstories. I just want me a lady who's as unhinged as the clown or trickster. 🙁

  5. I think you're right, that BHVR is making more and more killers with ranged/alt attacks, but I do think that it's also BHVR realizing that killers that have powers that either do little to help in chase or don't help in chase at all aren't that good or are frustrating to play so they're trying to make lots of killers with alt attacks. The side effect of this is that all ranged attacks are inherently anti-loop to some degree, and the Artist's crows are the penultimate loop deniers

  6. ghostface is a literal copy of myers: that's fine
    clown, wraith, legion and other m1 killers that play the same and have no chance on high levels: Okayge

    a hybrid killer with a unique power comes out: "omg that's literally huntress why would you play this over huntress is beyond my understanding smh"

  7. To be fair. Nothing against u tat but I'd like to see u or some of these other people make a killer where people won't complain. Its impossible. Imo these last 2 killers are actually interesting and have a chance against higher mmr survivors. I think these variations of "ranged" killers have come about because whenever they make a melee based character or a trap character. People complain that they aren't fun to go against or that they a shit etc. What can they do that will keep people both happy and entertained while playing the game while also implementing new ways to chase or pressure while also balancing perks and bringing new content out and fixing bugs. Bhvr is no where near the best company but they have definetly made improvements in these last few months.

  8. I seriously think BHVR need to start slowing down with the dlc chapter drops, they end up releasing them too quickly and it is beginning to give us very samey killers like you say, along with so many new problems and bugs which arise with every quick chapter turnaround without fixing previous problems.

  9. I feel the ultimate problem is that holding W will just be the new meta more so then before. And it really sucks because looping is really the only skillful thing a survivor can do. Let's be honest, basekit survivor with no perks or anything is boring as hell and the only thing going on for survivors is looping. Every interaction they do is hold m1 for x amount of seconds until it's complete d. I'm mostly saying when you scratch down to the surface of survivor, and if it wasn't for their perks, you can argue that survivor is boring, and this new killer will just encourage them to just hold W.

  10. Kinda similar how in rainbow u have like 6 camera operators
    4 hard breach ers and 4 characters who prevent hard breachers
    Operators that trap places, operators with shield

    There's some very special ones sure but most are just "this one has a camera, but a bit different!"

  11. My excitement with the new killer and survivor immediately deflated once we tested out their main strengths with my friends in about an hour
    and while it would be neat to get those perks for our characters these days I am no longer feel any excitement rush to get them other than give the game some variety, I wanna say one or two perks out of this could mix up the meta but I am just not excited for this

  12. I 100% agree, I think DBD has allowed themselves to be pigeonholed into making ranged killers based on game mechanics and the fact that they need a new game engine since all of their content these past couple of years comes with bugs and glitches.

    On another note, I think Legion should move faster in Frenzy and I think Legion would be more viable with their current power by having two support characters. It’d line up with the lore and it would make deep wound be the setup for a down by the other characters.

  13. I don’t mean any disrespect, but I do disagree and think this is an incredibly biased view. You say you don’t like strategy/trap killers and that’s fine but I feel like it’s balancing out the enormous amount of killers we have. We didn’t even have another ranged killer til deathslinger. And technically he isn’t even ranged cus the spear doesn’t go across the map and his shots don’t hurt you, it’s the M1 that does. I think I’d classify nemmy PH and DS as short range killers where trickster artist and huntress are or can be long range killers. I’m sure more killers like the ones you want will start to come again. I think they’re just adding balance to killer types.

  14. I’m so happy someone else noticed this. I’ve been thinking this for ages. I completely agree with everything you said.

    Also that’s why I like legion . M1 killer but still has map knowledge

  15. Huntress went from "woah cool, this killer is ranged she's dope" to being "yeah she's the most boring of ranged killers", since by the time they made her it was a novelty to have ranged attack, where now they had to expand upon it to make more ranged guys. I do believe that this is part of the "flavor creep", forgive the neologism, all games go through, but Huntress' descent from unique to forgettable is rather sad.

    I agree with Tat thst BHVR does appear to have this weird habit of copy-pasting killers' themes / making near identical powers with very slight variations, like Hillbilly/Leatherface, Myers/Ghostface, Blight/Legion, and on a lesser extent Trapper/Hag. While it's understandable that not every killer can be as gamestyle's changing and unique as the original trio, it does seem a bit weird of a design choice. My guess is that they want people who like a certain theme (e.g.: chainsaw) to be able to pick how to develop that power further (following the example, choosing between using the chainsaw for chasing or for close quarter combat), but it's a bit meh that they do this by introducing new killers rather than like, with addons or stuff.

    I don't personally agree about the Artist, I think she's still rather unique in being a middle point between a Huntress and a Trapper, with her projectiles having to be set up and stuff (though I do think they could have flavored it better than "crows", and the whole gimmick about being swarmed by crows seems a bit unnecessary, especially if compared to when killers used to have very basic powers like "invisibility", "ranged attack", "charge", "trap"), but I fully agree with Tat on the fact that they could have done much better, especially with a theme as potentially wide and explorable like painting. Like, idk, she paints obstacles into existence or something. Personally, Pyramid Head and Tricksters are the ones who turned out the most "woah what power is this sick dude gonna have– oh it's another Huntress nvm" to me.

    While it's true that talking about it now isn't gonna do much, complaining about it now might, especially if some more people feel like that, lead BHVR to change their minds in the future years, so it's always nice. My suggestion would be to focus more on "how can this killer win the game" rather than "how can this killer down survivors", which appears to have become their design philosophy.

    Random idea for a killer: a brainwasher. Like, when he downs people, he can interact with the dying boi like Pig, brainwashing them / turning them into sleeping agents, and put a status on them that makes it so their actions help the killer instead by damaging other survivors (like, damaging gens rather than repairing them, screaming while nearby others to signal their position to the killer, refusing to unhook survivors ignoring the player's input, maybe even closing exit gates, stuff like that).

    Sorry for the long ass comment, I'm bored.

  16. For me it’s not the fact that they’re ranged Killers. It’s the fact that they’re ranged Killers focused on doing damage with their ranged power. That’s why I thought Pinhead was so unique; not only did it function completely differently from any other ranged attack in the game, but the ranged power wasn’t just damage dealer number 67. It’s also why I’m so frustrated with the Artist, because they balanced her ranged power around the ability to deal damage instead of being a reconnaissance tool like it should be. So we end up having an infinite range wall penetrating Killer who’s got so many shitty limitations on her kit that her power is only really good for zoning at loops, so she just becomes the seven hundredth generic zoning Killer in a row.

  17. saying that Artist is basically the same as Huntress is a huge stretch. Their playstyle varies in a lot of meaningful ways, Huntress can't zone the loop from every side, for example. Yeah, they both can hit survivors across the map, but the skill it takes to do that differs a lot, you know what I mean?
    and people will always compare new content to old stuff: Pinhead came out and everyone talked about him like he was a Clown, Freddy & Nurse mash-up, Nemesis was "weaker Pyramidhead", Trickster was "worse Huntress", Blight was "second Billy" and so on. These comparisons are not exactly fair, since each of these killers has different playstyle and tricks that separate them from their predecessors.
    I think that BHVR are actually passionate about making new, original powers, and Pinhead and Artist have fairly "out of the box" abilities. That's one thing that they're doing right, imo

  18. I'm mainly just a bit annoyed at the format of the killer they're going for constantly ever since Blight came out. They make all the killers have good 1v1 but that's it. Every killer since Blight is countered by holding W, and with the next overcome perk, this is even stronger. Give me a killer than can counter holding W rather than a killer with good anti loop and that's it. Hell her ranged attack is only good at loops.

  19. A)If you don't design the killer to be a long-ranged killer, how else do you address the killers need to manage a 4v1 that's scattered across the map?

    Make them strong in a melee some way 1v1 Ala Oni or Pinhead or Pyramid. OR make them long-range or teleporters

    B)I get what you're saying YouTube man but I disagree. Also power diversity wise and "uniqueness" you cant reinvent the wheel 8 times, DEFINETLY not 20 times. Pulling that off even 3 times would be a creative acheivement. Original idea get harder and harder to come by

    C) If they could undo how survivor sided the game is and stop Gilpin killers strength that'd be great. 👍 9 doubt it tho, stopped playing for now

  20. I noticed some small details on her, like:
    -She is a 4.6 killer, so she doens't need to rely on her power to damage and with 32 TR without lullaby.
    -She has to hit you both times with her power and you can make it even more by taking out the crows
    -Her power doesn't go almost instantly so you will have to set up on a loop instead of immediatly clicking the right button when the survivor gets to a window
    -Her power goes through walls, so breaking line of sight is not really a counter.
    -Her power can be used to get information everywhere.

    But if don't consider this small details, then yeah… She looks exactly like Huntress ! 😮

  21. I really hate this stupid idea that all killers are just variations of another killer. Like even if the killer plays completely different people just compare it to the most similar killer and its dumb becuase behavior already used most gameplay designs.

  22. I've seen that trend on the Killers after Pyramid Head.
    I mean, I get that it its hard to pump out one normal Killer after the next like ye olde DbD when you compare it to the "Pyramid Head but Zombies!" or "Huntress but Knives/Crows!" of today DbD, but its really fucking annoying, you know?

    For both sides, too: For Killers (like me), a lot of the new ones are complete skips for various reasons. Mine is because I play on console, and aiming there is doodoo. Also can't cross-save. For Survivors, a lot of the new Killers would have similar counterplay, and it will not be fun after a while of facing carbon-copies of the same 2 Killers.

  23. theres 3 types of killers. Set up, Speedy dudes and range/anti loop. Do I mind more ranged? no, running in circles can be pretty boring, so different ranged killers is fun.

  24. The problem here is people defining fun in DBD with loops. If that were consistent, haddonfield would be people's favorite map. The game would be completely catered to survivors. Look at every other asymettrical horror game. They dont balance it around how fun it is for the survivor to run loops around the killer. They balance their game around horror, around teamwork, around whatever have you. But DBD specifically has a fanbase that wants survivors to troll and loop and juke the killer, while simultaneously complaining about toxicity. Do you see how that's counterproductive?????
    Lets say their next killer was a killer dedicated to being looped by survivors, and was balanced around making the match as fun as possible for them.
    How do you think killers and survivors would react??
    It would literally only create more opportunities to be at odds. More toxicity. People have to stop screeching about this " hold W " propaganda, because at the end of the day its a horror game where you're supposed to be running. Not tbagging the killer at pallets, trolling them with flashlight clicks and camera spins, etc. Sure, that CAN be part of the gameplay experience, but it should never be the determining factor in whether a killer is fun or not.

  25. I hate saying this but it’s true. The funniest part about survivor is looping the killer, the funniest killers in the game are the ones that are very fun getting chased by, huntress, Demo, Hillbilly, Huntress, and Oni are so fun because they’re balanced. Ever since Deathslinger every killer just been “Dont loop or you’ll die in 3 seconds” and what does that result in? The shift W meta. It’s literally at the point where it’s completely engraved in my head to just shift W even if it’s against a killer that can counter that. A boring killer is one you can’t loop and can basically destroy you in seconds if you dare try too


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