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Hello and welcome. This is my official list of changes I believe @DeadbyDaylightBHVR should make to The Legion in Dead by Daylight. It’s worth noting that I have played this Killer on and off since their original release at the end of 2018.
I don’t want to sound egotistical, but it’s believed by myself and the Dead by Daylight content space, that I am the most reliable source for anything Legion related. I am dedicated to my favourite Killer so much that I have spent the last two years putting together this document; detailing various changes to the base-kit and add-ons, as well as the Deep Wound status effect. Through continuous polling of community opinions, as well as direct feedback from players and community members, I am presenting what I firmly believe as the best update Legion could receive. All of these changes fit BHVR’s vision for the character, so you won’t see any silly ideas like A.I. members, or a disguise power of sorts. This further solidifies The Legion as the “run fast and stab” Killer they are, and always will be.
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Artwork by TripleTia
Render by Tw1sted
I’m cryin 😭 They NOT finna listen
THEY ADDED 0.5 boost to frenzy ( haha sike u thought)
I honestly wouldn't mind too much that frenzy doesn't show scratch marks or blood pools.
Everytime I do that and the survivor is looping me around, I take that as a challenge.
Just for those out there who enjoy challenges
Every frenzy hit one shots and doubles Legion's speed
Pls bhvr 😢
Gostei demais do vídeo, poderia aumenta o tempo de uso do poder como um 15 segundo.
BHVR: "Well, this is very interesting information! We appreciate your dedication and effort to this. That being said, we have decided to rework legion! Injured survivors are now louder while in feral frenzy! Hope you all enjoy these changes and see you in the fog!"
"No lmao"
We NEED to get you in touch with Hens, the consultant program is most likely to cause community driven change
As a Legion main also I feel like some of your takes are a bit much, no offense.
The quality of life changes I fully agree
Base-Kit changes: Everything seems fine beside the increased movement speed when frenzy ends bc as a Survivor that's usually the only time where you can gain distance from a Legion running down on you (unless you got a headstart or dropping pallets stuns).
Deep wound changes: I mean sure, nothing was wrong with it to begin with
Add-on changes: Pins should just be how there are imo bc with these new ones, they basically become useless within 8 sec of mending (unless you target one guy). Julie mix tape is good but not 50% maybe 25% bc it could stack with enduring. Filthy blade should be the same bc that would make the mending time back to base kit (8 to 12), I understand the thought process behind this so that survivors can't 99 their mending bar but Legion is a slowdown killer and with this it also help out with the new pins add on. Idk about stab wound study honestly, bc there is no counter play to it. Regardless as a survivor u have to mend yourself and with this change after mending, the survivor is on a 45sec instant one shot down. Me personally I feel like it should just be how it is. Everything else I didn't mention seems fine
As a fellow Legion main to another let us both agree that all we want is more SPEED 😂
You're literally doing BHVR's job for them, imagine not implementing free QoL advice from a legion main 🤣
I wonder if a company in maintenance mode with a game that has far outlived its shelf life would even bother taking this feedback into consideration? If what they did to SM (because they just 'do not know what to with her') is any evidence of this, I would have lowkey moved onto another game to start building a new audience.
fatigue needs to be 1 sec and not 3 i want to punish people who bodyblock when im in power cuz theres not much you can do when they can make it to a window or a annoying pallet pitch black thing when ending frenzy should also be removed and finally the scratch marks and pools of blood to be visible in frenzy for the addons its kinda hard and tricky but i want the iri button to be something else since i want to be able to break pallets with my power instead of using the addon but this is what i would love to see
I love some of these changes but the mending nerf is the worst one and this is from a legion main as a survivor I can understand why they hate mending but the time that mending waste is nice
a change i was thinking of is letting Legion have a solid hitbox when vaulting a window to provide more niche chase utility
unless you suggested that, and i didn't hear it…
Cool changes. I just think it's a shame that the character that is four characters and named "The Legion" doesnt reflect that moniker at all in their kit
PLEASE forward this to Hens, that is the best way to get these ideas to the devs.
I really like how you kept this rework simple and grounded! As well as reworking certain add-ons to give them a more interesting role in making unique builds for the legion. Though despite all of these changes I feel as if the frustration of legions power can be solved by creating a new effect all together and ditching the problematic and tedious nature of the deep wound effect, though I have no clue on what it could be and how it would work.
Legion is defiently one of the killers in dead by daylight
The next buff will be turning legion from 4.6 to 4.4 😅
been a fan of these ideas for a while now, especially hand wraps, but would love to know if your reworked version of Joey's Mixtape would proc with Iridescent Pin, and refill the gauge during the middle of a frenzy. ❤
Behavior needs better communication
but bhvr is useless af
Watch them instead of taking this as a need for what should be fixed on legion and instead take it as an attack in ban you or some bs…seriously…
With changed Joeys mixtape, would breaking a wall while already in frenzy replenish the power gauge or only when not in frenzy already?
so no AK-47 as iri addon?
A hit in a separate feral frenzy should down an injured survivor.
Interesting ideas! Although I would have liked to see a change that impacted higher tier game play. SWF's will body block the Legion player after getting hit by Feral Frenzy, forcing Legion to end their power early. Something like: deep wounded survivors who take a protection hit no longer end Feral Frenzy or get a speed boost, and instead briefly lose collision with the killer.
An update like this would instantly make Legion my favorite killer.
One really minor thing that bothers me about Legion being so bad is that we never get to see them in videos from the big community content creators. I want to see how the pros handle them from the survivor side too. I'd love to see just enough adjustment to make Legion playable at high MMR without being too oppressive.
one can dream, here’s hoping literally any of these changes go through
We need henz to see this, best chance of seeing these changes i feel
imo all of these would be at least fair if not even good changes. that said, filthy blade would actually be disgusting.
Ok, we need to buff legion but so we decided to nerv the pig
I would still like to see duration/speed changed because of Mischief List. It’s like old Toy Sword for Twins, a common add-on so good there is literally zero reason to ever take it off (unless you want to be boring af and bring Pills).
I had an idea where during Feral Frenzy, when you break a Breakable Wall the Legion now shoulder bashes through it and breaks it quickly. Obviously it might need a few tweaks, but I think it would be cool feature
Idk. I still think making legion a good middle ground between chain hit centric and M1 is the way to go. Something like:
-basekit list
-basekit .6 second vault speed
-basekit franks
-basekit 6ms on activation speed
-killer instinct not based off of terror radius (however still increasing the terror radius in frenzy)
-a mending time between 8-10 seconds for LEGION ONLY (the slowdown is a vital part of legion)
-bleed out timer for deep wounds could be 20 seconds as compensation for the faster mend
-12 second cooldown
-bloodstains AND scratch marks
-basekit og franks
As well as a variety if addon changes, that i won't get into
If only BHVR would use any of this. But they might and make it 10x worse with half as much thought
GREAT IDEAS. Now time for bhvr to completly ignore legion for the next 2 years!!!
i could accept legion not being 6ms if these were the changes
The deep wound timer being reduced would actually be good when going for 5 hit downs when there are less than 4 survivors in play. Some survivors will just auto mend after being hit and being able to run back and hit them will be really nice. Sucks that BHVR will probably not change that 🙁
This is nice, I think it addresses Legion's issues realistically and also takes into consideration not only how fun it is to play, but how fun it is to play against.
Usually those things are ignored and focus is given purely to balance. Good job!
And, in my opinion, I think BHVR could do with being more transparent and making more frequent/bold changes instead of being too terrified to change a number by 0.01 and then reverting it after 6 months. The consultant program exists, but we rarely hear about it and changes still take absolute ages to implement.
I was half asleep while watching and thought this was real LMAO 😭😭 great vid nonetheless, here's to hoping at least SOME of these become real 🙏
call Hens! GUYS where is our wonderful Hens333?!
I just want legion to get a power, not just deep wound and vaulting.