Time to nerf keys BHVR! Key breaking game! | Dead by Daylight

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Time to nerf keys BHVR!! Key breaking game! | Dead by Daylight

Hey all it’s PotatoLegion here I hope you’re well!

In today’s video the survivors manage to escape thanks to the assistance of a key.
I give my opinions on keys but I would also like to hear yours.

What can a Killer do to counter a healthy survivor who has a key and knows the hatch location?
Why can all survivors escape via hatch together?
Why is there no delay in using the hatch with a key?
Why does the hatch spawn when gens aren’t even finished?!

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25 thoughts on “Time to nerf keys BHVR! Key breaking game! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Either delete and replace them, or:
    • Only one guy can escape
    • Opening the hatch takes a short while
    • The hatch will no longer open EVER after that
    • The Survivor becomes less BP for a key escape
    • The killer get's some bonus BP for each time he hooked the key guy
    • And Red Ember is now pink and get's nerfed to the ground

  2. Your 1 escape per key solution would break one of the oldest hidden achievements in dbd and doesnt fix the core issue. All they really need to do is add a 2 second opening animation that is grabbable for killer and even more important, change the spawn mechanic of hatch to not spawn unless all gens are completed, as long as multiple survivors are alive.

  3. Make it to where keys take the same time as the exit gates to open for 2 survivors or double for all four 1 1/2 for 3 etc and it’s affected by remember me except for last survivor who gets the basic 1/2 exit gates time

  4. I was just watching this because it came up in my recommended and I honestly think Keys need a rework, make them not open the hatch unless it's in Endgame collapse and have them open exitgates faster, literally do that and it removes this boring ass feature.

  5. i had a swf bring me to haddonfield and one of them had a key. after all gens were done they rushed the hatch, 2 escaped and i closed it so 2 remained. i slugged one and hooked the other and couldnt find the slugged one. the hooked one gave up and the slugged one escaped because apparently the hatch STILL opens if theres one survivor even if the killer's already closed it before in the match? pure bs

  6. you are all a bunch of cry babies. keys are one of the only balancing factors for survivors. killers are faster, have perks/addons/moris for instant kills, and get bloodlust to help them hawk down survivors. that's not to mention having multiple ways to put Exposed on survivors making them a 1 hit down. killers have all the bias in the world in this game and yall are butthurt over the fact that sometimes RNG allows survivors to get a key, and maybe find the hatch to escape. you all sound pathetic.

  7. Give the key a timer like the gates + once they stop, it resets so they cant 99% the hatch, otherwise it would solve nothing. And if that makes keys not weak enough, make it so only 1 person can escape

  8. just had a discussion where a (probably toxic surv main) said killers who dont like keys and think the way they are is op just cant play. I just said its more reversed if you need a key to get a 3 man escape you just suck. After that came with it but you have franklins to what I only said you cant compare Items and perks since items are bonus and perks robs you a place you could need for a slowdown or other more useful perk since franklins is very situational too. They dont get how much points a killer can loose to a single key and that you need to do gens before you can use it is no argument for it not being kind of op. I remember how they cried about mori and killing survs without need to hook shortening the game way to extreme, even after you needed to hook them at least once they did it, but keys are totally fine. What a joke imho.

    Best solution is no instant working they need around 10 to 15 secs to unlook so the killer at least has a chance to interrupt the action and secure maybe a hook which would be gone for him. And like already said (like the time thing) its all or nothing. No 99 possible. Or leave it and just make it personal. Heard they are thinking about keys as reward items you need to unlock during the trail which I really hope. So you cant bring it in advance, you need to play to get the key and that paired with either the time or personal usage only sounds really nice.

  9. I agree. Same if I'm survivor or killer. The match with a key is trash. As survivor if one of randoms bring a key the match will be shit because I'm red rank survivor and ofc the killer will be red rank as well. He will slugg, camp and tunnel more because most of the red rank killers are childish and can't stand to lose. I won't mention the fact it's almost impossible to do challenges with keys. Also, as rank 7 killer when they bring a key it also take the fun of the game. The key should be available only in chests, not to buy them with bloobpoints. The matches with keys are trash and very boring.

  10. It's kind of your fault they both got away. You were frustrated and not really paying attention cause at 13:27 you can see one of them running towards the hatch. One would have got away and you could have closed it on the other.


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