The NEW SADAKO Is.. Pretty Good? | Dead by Daylight

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35 thoughts on “The NEW SADAKO Is.. Pretty Good? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The Sadako changes were actually good this time. I feel like this is her best state now & BHVR don't need to touch her again cause they were doing too much on her. Her condemns are fairly good now, she now can lock in 3 stacks on survivors when hooked, no cooldowns period, she moves slightly faster when manifesting, the projection speed out the tv was buff to 2 secs, the new Ring Drawing addon is actually better, & some of Reiko's watch addon became basekit so no complaints here. (Coming from a Sadako main)

  2. New sadako easier to deal with if they idk turn off ur tvs, They reworked her so many times but people forget to still use tapes. The biggest change was each teleport adds condemn but with each tv having timer something mathy.

  3. Oh yeah, love to see a Sadako video on this fine Saturday. Sadako always been one of my mains I highly recommend a stealth Sadako build with Tinkerer and Trail of Torment. You'll have the survivors jumpin out their skin.

  4. Last night I had a group of survivors appear half the team quit the moment they saw I was skull merchant and the other half were so prideful they refused to allow me to spare them because as they put it I didn’t deserve to show them mercy im like…. Okay and sacrificed them
    Edit: best part? The bot of one of the dudes who quit at the start found hatch immediately

  5. Yo quiet wanna know something wild bots will imitate players down to flashlight blinding and t bagging you I’ve had it happen twice I was full of John Connor’s fury and smited it before it became self aware and we got a whole skynet situation

  6. I am here to save your life ,your cousins baby is mine ok dont worry about it😊 Also if youre gonna freestyle i want sophisticated lines ,you tend to go with ,bitches,hoe,sex,your dick and my mom,do better 😂 Love To See It ❤


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