THE NEW STAB WOUNDS STUDY! | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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The new Stab Wounds Study add-on for Legion reveals the auras of Survivors after they mend! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog


31 thoughts on “THE NEW STAB WOUNDS STUDY! | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. I just want legions power to somehow incorporate all the members. If anything like maybe they all show up to take turns stabbing the victim like in their lore for the finisher mori.

  2. I love it so much! Legion Gameplay is Good Gameplay
    2:05 That would cripple Dredge ngl
    4:28 Very cool. Now we just need The Thing
    7:25 Yeah. Happened with other Mangled stuff before
    10:38 I was there when Trapper was the only killer. I played when Nurse got made. I know more pain even

  3. I just KNOW that adam was cackling behind their screen. I wish I could have seen tat spazzing and shaking his head from their POV LMAO
    -Axcia btw

  4. A legion fact? Did you know, that the never stop slashing cosmetic is only available through iridescent shards, meaning you cannot buy the skin with money 😭


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