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The new Stab Wounds Study add-on for Legion reveals the auras of Survivors after they mend! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
Sick content
Wait legion is a killer? I thought they were survivors
I just want legions power to somehow incorporate all the members. If anything like maybe they all show up to take turns stabbing the victim like in their lore for the finisher mori.
Did you know that most legion mains are edgy teenagers?🤔
The blood on DBD looks more bright than my future bro what-
I'm a killer main and even I wouldn't mind a drop-kick perk.
My twitch ID is in the video, my lawyers will be in contact.
Did you know all killers have balanced powers
Hey Tat, important question. I'm ordering food and I don't know whether to get curly fries or normal fries (side note, the curly fries were bussin)
Did you know that legion is able run fast?
After 4 feral slash You just drop kick on the 5th it's called Feral Ray Mysterio
Cool Legion fact to brighten your day Tat: Both words "Feral" and "Frenzy" start with a F. 👍
Hey Tat, did you
that the name of the legion doesn't actually refer to any leg?
As we all know dead hard is a serious problem in dbd so In all our BHVR wisdom we have decided to just give Joey a fucking glock as a power
New Legion update the game just becomes mirrors edge to them
Fun fact about legion: when playing Demogorgan people will actually try to do generators
Fun Legion fact: When the Deathslinger aims down sights his movement speed and aim sensitivity is reduced by a %
It would be so Mikaela Pog if BHVR added a killer that kills
I love it so much! Legion Gameplay is Good Gameplay
2:05 That would cripple Dredge ngl
4:28 Very cool. Now we just need The Thing
7:25 Yeah. Happened with other Mangled stuff before
10:38 I was there when Trapper was the only killer. I played when Nurse got made. I know more pain even
Fun Legion fact: Legion cannot vault over the exit gate blockade.
Legion fact: did you know that if you press space bar on the title screen the game will load the main menu?
I love how we get to have tat say 'Feral Slash, Feral Vault' in the funny voice. Forever immortalized on youtube.
god i remember that one perk per bloodweb bs. hated it more than i hated NOED
1:52 Dredge: "Then what am I supposed to do?"
I just KNOW that adam was cackling behind their screen. I wish I could have seen tat spazzing and shaking his head from their POV LMAO
-Axcia btw
Fun Legion fact: No one can stop the pain
Fun fact about Legion: If you prefer Susie to Joey you are a simp, GO PRAISE JOEY MY BOI
A legion fact? Did you know, that the never stop slashing cosmetic is only available through iridescent shards, meaning you cannot buy the skin with money 😭
Idea likeFreddys add on where he gets fake pallets it would be cool if legion got a add on where they disguise
Survivor: T-Bags. legion: starts loading 12 Gage shotgun and shaking his head
i feel like its so difficult to play legion without the sleeping pill combo man