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Outro/intro made by: ViolentSh4de # 4946 (discord)
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Hope you’re doing well Ryuga.
Cowshed + Good survivors (well semi-decent works) pog
I love how he first spoilers, and than says spoiler alert XD
That get fucked in the end was satisfying. Also they're complaining about Noed when they have prove thyself, adrenaline, sprint burst, and ds is funny to me
Sad to see people talking bullshit about Brazil in chat
Ragh Ragh Ryuga.
"NOED sUppOrtS baD GamEplAy"
Haha those guys are toxic at the end
And thats precisely the reason i want noed never changed (i play 50/50 btw)
They genrush and are mighty pissed just because they didnt do totems
And then complain at the end
Natural 🤣
This is unfortunately another example that the trapper is really weak at the moment…
Play him without addons and you could even chase as a standard m1 killer without a power
I love how they use so many second chance perks and over powered meta builds, and then they complain about a single perk. It's just really depressing
it always sounds like hes pissed at something,but its probably just the weird dynamic of his voice
kindof interesting not complaining
If noed is active can you use feral frenzy to down survivors?
I think Noed is a Decent Hex perks, But nkt a good Meta perks
I like how the “esports player” farmed for deliverance, brought ds, bt, and sprint burst, and somehow is this salty towards you for noed.
Actually disturbing the Nancy wished death upon you because she lost a game (HAD A MAP OFFERING AND A BNP AND A TOURNAMENT BUILD)
"I may be dogshit but I still won."
noed 😍
you smell so bad just run noed and you win dog meat
lol that idiot literally burned a map offering, has BNP, Deliverance + DS and has the audacity to complain about NOED, I wish these clowns could just look in the mirror for once. Glad you killed his ass
I love the salt farm
Ah that get fucked at the end was so perfect. This is why I love Ryuga
Complete with salty endgame chat, perfect
I love it when they trash talk about being dogshit after bringing BNP and Prove Thyself which are the tools for dogshit survivors 😂😂😂
dbd esport player? isn't that sweh?
Sub 8 mins to complete 5 gens. And people wonder why I run NOED on slow killers without map pressure.
They need to have more super shiny and glowy skins like this; I don't care if I am seen across the entirety of Redwood Forest, if I look cool at the same time, it's worth it!