The Onryo rework is HUGE! | Dead by Daylight

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The Onryo is getting a HUGE rework in this mid-chapter, alongside her changes are a plethora of balance updates to various perks and Killers!
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25 thoughts on “The Onryo rework is HUGE! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I’m very worried about 2 changes, 90 second shut down for survivors and being able to place a tape in any tape, now you can just grab a tape, run to a nearby gen, and now you’ve shut down 2 TVs for 90 seconds at no cost, if all survivors do this your looking at a minimum 4 TVs shut down and at worst all TVs shut down for 90 whole seconds removing onryos whole power

  2. The onryo changes are not a buff were getting Billy'd and no one noticed they made it so they can turn off any tv with a tape meaning of there's a dedicated survivor going around turning them off meaning no teleport I wanna stress without the teleport THE CONDEMNED CHANGES DO NOT MATTER AS SHES TOO SLOW AT CHASE. there's nothing stopping a survivor going from tv to tv turning them all and stealthing around so she can't find them or lose them in chase she's getting FREDDIED.

  3. Ive been getting into dbd casually playing against friends in custom lobbies, i went from fearing sadako with my life to maining her

    I like to think this Sadako change will be fun with the buff demanifest and widespread condemn

  4. a change for hangman's could be that for as long a survivor is on the scourge hook, any survivor within 5 meters of ANY hooks will have their aura revealed, that would be WAY better than this. still not realy worth using imo because of floods of rage, but still way better.

  5. im not happy at all with the sadako nerf, this is a HUGE NERF in higher gameplay!, she can no longer harass on the map anymore! she can only teleport every 15secs that is a huge nerf and the survivors can place tapes at any tv location no longer the furthest tv. this community and bhvr is literally trash at balance. sadako just got ruined, the killer is going to be extremely bad above average players and high gameplay now. game is turning into a BABY/CHILD game. on top of the 90sec duration shutdown on her teleport that is just absurd, i swear bvhr doesn't have any killer players its literally survivors working on killers what a freaking joke. anyone who thinks sadako got a buff is A PURE freaking idiot and doesn't have common sense to think in advance.

  6. I love a lot of this.
    As a Myers main, I'm gonna be out here with Coupe de Grace, Claustrophobia, Fire Up, and whatever and just enjoying chasing!
    Coupe with Myers' tier 3 lunge is so fun, glad this got buffed!

  7. I really love the Onryo changes because they encourage survivors to actually take tapes out of TVs and risk putting themselves in danger. The only thing I am concerned about is that because the "deposit" TV was changed to being any other TV from the "receive" TV, it will be too easy to quickly remove condemned stacks by running between the two closest TVs.

    I don't think Claustrophobia will be that bad with the HUD changes since when being chased you can see when a gen is about to be completed and decide to go towards/play a pallet instead, but I still bet we will get people complaining about their SoloQ teammates doing gens, as well as when they don't do gens.

  8. Yes, let's gooo. I hated when people kill themselves on hook even when ur literally running to them, even when ur right next to them. It's so fricking hard with just 1 person gone. Now I can finally make use of their body to be able to play the game.

  9. I really could care less about the condemned feature.. I just wanna be able to teleport to tv to tv and they increased the cooldown. They nerfed her in the wrong ways and buffed her in the wrong ways

  10. I’ve been an Onryō main since she came out does anyone know exactly which add-ons were changed? I heard and read all of the changes for her powers and passive powers but didn’t see the add ons expect for Hag and Spirit.


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