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  1. My typical game is at m1 killer, I play against bots that fall in 15 seconds chase, drop all pallets at once, and they still win because do gens in 2survs all the time ….

  2. This is what I've been saying all along. If you're playing with a team that has even AVERAGE efficiency on gens, run a perk like Windows of Opportunity and just toss pallets early the entire game. You'll automatically win every time. The killers only choice is to mind game or break it and if you include window vaults, this will collectively take too much time before the gens get blown out. I do this all the time and it's surprisingly an incredibly effective strategy even in high MMR. The key is obviously having teammates who will actually do gens.

    Just a bit of math for everyone, a generator takes 80 seconds, an average map has around 18 pallets, which takes 2.6 seconds each to break. That means it would take almost 47 seconds to break every pallet on the map alone, forget about chase time, mind games, window vaults, hooking etc. Meanwhile 3 gens can be completed in ONLY 80 seconds. Once I started to realize the math behind how poorly balanced this game is, I just shut my brain off, kept the mind gaming to a minimum and started tossing pallets early. Try it out with a team of friends, you'll discover that the risk of taking a hit is literally not worth it. Just toss the pallet and your winning percentage will increase dramatically.

  3. At the end of the day it will always be a rigged system in the favor of survivors. On top of that whole match they couldve also sabotaged along with locked- animation flashlight saves. (Aka the afk feng)All for the sake of the survivors "fun". The opposite meaning a camping tunnel killer would still have to put more effort than a gen daddy killer. Honestly just play how you want to and learn to accept the game is out of most of the rosters power.

  4. Comp & very experienced players know pre-dropping pallets and denying killers downs is the easiest way to win. Even if you create huge dead zones it doesn't matter as long as your teammates do gens.

    The only time a pre-dropped pallet is a waste is if your team is more focused on trying to bully the killer with flashlights and Sabo instead of gens.

  5. I haven't touched DBD in probably over a year or so because of all the imbalance that Tru3 talks about near constantly. And when I get the chance to check out a new video of his, it honestly pains me to see what he has to deal with, be vocal about, and yet still be either ignored or worse. It's a real damn shame the game has gotten to such a point in it's lifetime and I really have to give it to Tru3 for powering through it. He's a stronger man than I am in terms of patience, that's for sure. Keep up the good work, dude. Give the survivors hell for a tired, old, killer main.

  6. I stopped playing Dead by Daylight because of how imbalanced it is. It's so obvious new players can see how the game favors survivor. But still enjoy watching you play great content man! I'll eventually pick the game up again when they hopefully fix a few things

  7. Imo the only way to truly balance this game would be giving the killers their own maps so new mechanics can be introduced and the killers power could be easily balanced around it.

  8. 9:14 I bet that Feng intentionally got downed by the zombie so you would go over there and meg could finish the gen. Pretty smart but didn't work. 😂

    Nvm. She was just afk. Didn't watch the rest. 💀

  9. problem is they have so much pallets and window that all they do is wasted time while gens get done
    while they love to tbag on pallets , or flashy flashy
    really need to fix something of this game too much safety make this survivor tbag knowing how annoying it can be yea I have so much safety killer cant do anything

  10. 12:19 chases aren't impressive but they beat you yeah sounds like a sore loser tbh ain't nothing humble about your laugh lol pretty sure if they beat you doesn't matter how the chases went they still beat you I don't get why you can't be humble sometimes I wonder with you true


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