What's the new Survivor Meta Build? | Dead by Daylight

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A brief video discussing the previous Survivor meta perks and what new perks will, in my personal opinion, replace them.

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


36 thoughts on “What's the new Survivor Meta Build? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Im using balanced landing, off the record, deadhard and vigil. If you use balanced first, the killer will think that you don't have deadhard but little did they know hehe….

  2. Ah yes, time to run Kindred so my teammates can see each other crouching in a corner or sticking their dick in a gen and refuse to come for the save anyway so I go to second on hook

  3. I like to run overcome, pharmacy, distortion and flip flop (would have gone for lucky break if I had Yui). Before the patch I ran overcome, bite the bullet, self care and bt. Pretty good for soloq

  4. Oh look at that. There's a new meta. Sooooo their goal of getting rid of the meta was replaced by a new one. DERP. Oh and they absolutely destroyed solo queue. Newer players that are bad at the game that solo Q, will quit DBD ASAP.

  5. If you are using Windows of Opportunity, why aren't you running Lithe? I think it got nerfed a little bit since PTB but I seem to have lost a few killers using Lightweight, especially Spirit since she seems popular right now with Iron Will nerfed, I'd pair that with Sprint Burst or Overcome to make sure they have trouble landing that second hit. Endurance + For The People + Vigil is also a great combo since you get both back 30% faster and also help your teammates, just make sure you bring a Medkit or Boon: Healing when broken wears off, I acted as an insta-heal when I was on death hook and just hung out near the Boon to reheal myself last match poor Wraith was probably thinking they were hacking as they just kept coming back full healed so fast… I'm really glad you pointed out Distortion and communicating with it, two of us have been running it and it clued us into BBQ and Lethal so early it was easy to avoid the rest of the game.

  6. Distortion is used a lot as far as i see PTS either we will make it for fast heals oen of the most i found too , but i use overzealous for gen speed plus if is an hex will give 16 % speed but not many hex on games right now

  7. I think borrowed time is slept on massively, we need to normalize everyone using it for endgame situations and speed boost after unhook. It got a buff from the last patch and it was a meta perk back then.

  8. Recently, I've been feeling the need to equip Resilience on all of my builds because of the amount of killers I've bumped into since post patch using Thana. I've seen nonstop Thana for the past few days since the patch, and I feel like Resilience is going to end up being mandatory for your builds, especially considering the extra ten seconds on gens plus Thana on top of it.

  9. I don't think you mentioned it but sprint burst makes tunneling not as easy especially when your teammates unhook you rather close to the killer. You can sprint burst and reach a tile while also having OTR letting you have a very long chase against the killer w/ free iron will that will be a time sink that gets gens done. Deliverance just combos even better into this because if they aren't directly on top of you face camping you have a chance to completely invalidate their time. Deliverance really should have an indicator same as kinship so people don't immediately bomb the hook.

  10. It's really interesting hearing the community feedback on a lot of this. It feels torn down the middle between "this patch has completely destroyed the meta and has made so many more perk builds viable" and "this patch has completely destroyed the meta and now the already small amount of viable perks for survivors has shrunk even more". Seems that the biggest factor in this current landscape of DBD is that survivors need perk synergy in order to get the most out of the good changes for survivors, while soloQ survivors are getting utterly shafted from being unable to capitalize on it at all in most cases.

  11. As a solo Q player this game has been a shit show. Ill wait until they address solo q because its just not fun. DC are alot more common and tunneling and camping seems to have gotten stronger somehow.

  12. As much as I really think the is a HUGE step forward for the game. I think camping, specifically, is now more effective than ever… I hope this doesn't turn out to be the case as people settle into the update. But I've seen more camping since the update dropped than I have in a year.

  13. I don't mean to sound overly simplistic so I understand this take can sound like that a little bit…but it kind of feels like roles just flipped. I play 60% and 40% killer, and I totally agree meta needed to change, killer needed some help, and survs needed some nerfs. But this kind of feels like now you have to sweat your shorts off in solo queue as survivor and fight tooth and nail to even get a 2-person escape, and playing killer feels like a literal breeze. It just feels a little sad, and I try to say this in as nuanced a way as possible. Thanks for the suggestions Otz!

  14. Lucky break, quick and quiet, overcome and inner strength seem to be what I use and a lot of other people use (usually just overcome and quick and quiet) it’s pretty good, helps you lose chases and make the killer waste time

  15. Very good video.
    As a main killer who hasn't played the game for a while this video gives me a good idea of ​​how survivors are adapting to this very important patch.
    Otz, make a video next time talking about the new killer meta perks. Even though each one has its own gameplay, talk about the meta perks for chasing, protecting generators, getting information and etc.

  16. Something that I really enjoy about this update is that a lot of perks that normally get overlooked have suddenly gotten value.

    For example: Rookie Spirit will reveal the auras of regressing generators to you after you complete a few skill checks. If players used this perk pre-6.1.0 I would have called them madmen as there are so many better options. If you're playing SoloQ now though, this might honestly be a solid team perk because it shows you where you allies are, and if the killer isn't using Ruin, where the killer is as well. So using the info you can sneak over and try to prevent a generator from regressing and losing progress.

    Another perk that has gradually become more and more relevant is Open-Handed. Normally you'd pair this perk with another Aura reading perk like Kindred or Bond, however, with how BHVR has been tweaking perks, especially totem perks, Open Handed honestly doesn't sound crazy to me as a stand-alone perk. For context, Open Handed boosts aura reading ranges by 16 meters for ALL survivors. It does not stack though. With Open Handed, you will see the NOED Totem within 20 meters after someone has been downed and at 40 meters after 30 seconds have passed. Furthermore, Open Handed lets you find your HEX: Plaything totem at 32 meters instead of 16 as a survivor. Besides making Kindred reveal the killer up to 32 meters, Open Handed has a LOT of potential now.

  17. I honestly like that the 'meta' for survivor now isn't 5 perks. Other than say Off the Record and and exhaustion perk, you can mix and match builds to have something based on how you want to play. Killer sadly just has a lot of gen defense like before, whole point should be you don't need those perks.

  18. No matter what Meta is, as Survivor I love playing stealth perks mixed with a support perk for my team and sneaking around while focusing gens, dead by daylights not my main game but iv been playing for a long time and I don't care about competitive, fun game to get into the universe in mentally like a real horror game 🙂 I always play solo tho, also serious question how does a stealth focused survivor counter lethal pursuer?

  19. I also use leadership for gen rushing now since it’s needed for the team besides prove thy self, what I see now the meta we need team buffs since everyone before can just equip dead hard and live through now we gotta be more stealthy 🥷 and hide iron will with Ace is really good 👍 almost 100% no grunts of pain you can barely hear him


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