Vecna Making Survivors RAGE QUIT! – Dead By Daylight

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Is Vecna the first character in DBD to have FOUR different abilities???

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46 thoughts on “Vecna Making Survivors RAGE QUIT! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Rollin nat 20s all day. The nods to d&d spells are so on point. The mage hand lifting palettes is fucking cool. And the knock spell on the door immediately opening it. Fucking cool

  2. Vecna can speed fordord like the oni,summon being and launch then like the artisan,hard counter loops,windows and pallets. If this killer gets any perks that can aura read or insta down somone it ganna be a slater. Depending on what teachable perks vecna can get it ganna be very very hard to deal with vecna without teachable perks. Vecna perks and abilitys is like a kimara of other killers. God help us all if vecna gets no head and anh aura reading perk outside of the hook one😄 going by game play vecna seem to easly be the best killer in the game yet the new suviver doest seem to be able to help or really do much agest vecna. I wouldn't be suprised if the heavly nurf vecna at some point their no suviver,suviver perk, or items or add on that suviver can use to deal with vecna. Geuss im ganna be a killer main when I get vecna becase I suck at the game as a suviver main and I'm worse as a killer but shit if vecna is this broken its ganna be a easy 3 kill with vecna even for somone who suck playing as a killer.

  3. I mean i got a match that got 3 dcs the first was in the first minute because i found someone on a locker (awakend awareness) and later a rebecca tried to die in a corner where i couldnt hook her because one was already on the only hook there was and after outplaying them i noded at them to say that doesnt work on me then the 2 people left dcd so idk i think survivors cry about everything

  4. I dont understand why people CONSTANTLY DC during PTB? The whole point is to play in a place that doesn't affect your rank and score, and get a feel for how the new update is along with new strats for when it's implemented. Just DCing now entails you'll DC as often later.

  5. Wow, survivor were already complimaining that killer like Freddy or the unknown had too much in their kit and here comes one with movement, antiloop, spread/injuring projectiles AND traps 😂

  6. i love the rage bait calling him "vecna from stranger things" right off the bat, low key i thought thats the vecna we were getting when i heard the name coming to dbd (also FUCKING LOVE MATHEW MERCER AND CANT BELIEVE HE'S VOICING A CHARACTER NOW WOOOO)

  7. This killer is so overpowered and I actually love it, it’s fun to play him but probably not fun to go against lol. but I already bet some survivors are gonna complain about it and nerf my man

  8. Not sure why it bugs you that a freshly unhooked survivor takes a hit once they are unhooked. That person should not be tunneled for that. They already have to mend. It is just a curiosity to the person who unhooked them


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