The Paradox Of Loving Dead By Daylight

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I rolled up four years of repressed whining into a neat little 11 minute package for you, ain’t that somethin?

Videos shown:
Otzdarva AMA Reaction:
Otzdarva DBD Hours:
Hens AFK Sadako:
Hens 3-Gen Knight:
LiussDBD DBD Toxicity:
Dstrike 2 Hour Bug Compilation:

0:00 – Intro
0:35 – The Paradox
1:33 – Fake Casual Game
3:15 – Developer’s Response
5:51 – Unrewarded Passion
7:34 – Untapped Potential
9:52 – TL;DW

Outro music:

@notOtzdarva tagging you cause I used some of your footage and in case I put words in your mouth, feel free to correct me and I’ll pin the correction


33 thoughts on “The Paradox Of Loving Dead By Daylight”

  1. killer is fun with meme builds imo. sometimes though i just really love a super sweaty fucking game as killer where me and the survivors are both giving it our all, and noones Bad mannering anyone. DBD is not an easy game on any side i dont get ppl who think that. its very obviously competitive by its very nature.honestly
    i love the anti camp mechanic tbh cause it lets me rescue ppl from the hook if their teammates arent even trying and im at 5 gens and decided to let the one person who didnt teabag have hatch.i honestly think its really fun as long as you can just learn to not be too bothered by the toxic ppl. still… i do wish that someone who was more competent would just rebuild the fucking game from the ground up so everything isnt spaghetti code as fuck.

  2. Why does DBD have to be competitive? It should be the fun simple isometric horror game it used to be. The move towards competitive always kills games, it killed siege and it’ll kill this game once the crossovers stop coming.

  3. I dont wanna get hate or anything with my comment here , but as a player who love both Identity V and DBD , also start with DBD first . I would say I love IDV more than DBD nowadays. You can clearly see how netease can treat DBD mobile better than BHVR themself with the PC version, now its about to be CNY next week and IDV already have tons of exciting new content and event for CNY while DBD havent announce a single stuff . There's alot to praise about IDV but I'm too lazy to type an esssay

  4. Uninstalling this piece of shit was the best decision I made last year, and I’ve been playing since 2016. It’s just not fun anymore due to a number of reasons, though in my opinion it’s mainly the awful community

  5. And the Cherry above the Cake are the Cheaters, Speedhacks, Aurahacks, Scretchmarkhacks etc. BHVR is not ready for a new Anti-Cheat System. Had yesterday 2 of 3 Games in a row hacker survivors. Game is trash and MMR has never exist in the Game, got 2 100 hour survivors in one lobby with my 7000 hours.. there is no Logic and no MMR. HOW HARD IS IT TO CREATE A MMR DUDE

  6. Oh god I just realized, DBD is just League! The infinitely long time between bug fixes, always prioritizing money over good additions to the game, and after ages of people begging for a new gamemode they finally add one as a limited time gamemode. Oh that and the infinite Feng-Min skins, just like how LEONA GOT 3 SKINS LAST YEAR WHILE CORKI GOT ZERO LIKE WTF.

  7. This is the same problem overwatch has. An amazing game with a passionate veteran community neglected in favor of minmaxing short-term profit by sacrificing the game and the passion put into it.

  8. People metion skins, moris and event on DbD mobile, but I feel like forget to mention that it has basically most features that DbD proper lacks? Rank decay, ranking tied up to score events rather than Kills/Escapes, visible MMR, significant UI improvements, separate Ranked mode, an in-game chat… I don't even know where to start with this… This makes me really question that 300 people working on DbD claim… Pretty sure mobile team is smaller too

  9. One of the biggest issues Otz had was BHVR saying it wasn't lack of communication that was the crux of the issue. Otz got really upset about that, but BHVR is correct. The biggest thing separating SWFs and Solo Queue isn't communication it's the fact that SWFs go in with a common goal in mind "win the game" whereas solo queue there is a very real chance all 4 of them have their own objective. A great example is the fact the newest Tome is out atm and whenever there is one out you will see a ton of survivors focusing more on completing challenges than trying to win the game. You will see survivors actively doing nothing all game just to complete a challenge. The best way I've ever seen someone describe DBD solo queue was it's a 1v(1v1v1v1).

    Just to further my point, if you ever think it's lack of communication that is the issue load into a solo queue game and just pay attention to the HUD. I've complained about the HUD since it was revealed in PTB and this is the reason why. I always suspected my teammates were doing nothing, but now you can watch your teammates doing nothing all game. It's also the main reason kill rates are so high. The game isn't kill sided there are just way too many survivors not doing the objective or playing solely for their self.

  10. I seriously think that, with the sheer amount of playable characters, they should straight up start culling perks. Bring it down to a single unlockable perk per survivor and killer (can leave perk slots as-is or tweak that too). This will allow for easier balancing of perks, and making perks stronger and overall more impactful individually. Not only that, but they can then buff up the pool of globally unlockable perks for all players.

  11. Screw the new patch. Screw chunky. Seriously the most unfair killer. Kinda sad to see that they push mobile which is more for children then actually putting effort into the game their main play base is in. Oof

  12. anyone else think the Alan Wake Rift is digustingly lacking for those who dont want to spend money on a pass?? i feel like i've never seen so many bloodpoints in one before.
    having all those special features exclusive in a mobile version of your real game you spent alot on is just soul crushing. Shadey Nintendo vibes

  13. I think it was Space Coconut who said "DBD is a revolving door. With new players coming in and veteran players going out". I feel that describes dbd in a nutshell. I personally think BHVR wanted death garden to take off so they can leave dbd behind. Then they realized they suck at developing games and dbd was a stroke of luck. So they're trying to keep it going for as long as possible.

  14. started playing dbd after a friend got me into it, its fun but i dont see myself investing a whole lot of time into it simply because its a live service game.

    not that im hating it but using hillbilly as a base game killer, although i have won a game with him it was pretty much due to survivors either being newer players or just not being powerful. after that i got mid to high lvl survivors in the next serveral games that got 4 gens done in less than a minute.

    i think one issue is no sbmm but i also noticed the second i got spirit i won three games effortlessly even with mid to high level survivors.

    i see where these guys are coming from but then again how is it news because its not the first game to ever have the timmy no thumbs crew thinks they are gods for using nothing but meta OD weapons or abilities as well as looking for cheese ways to win

  15. I also feel like the last couple of killers have been designed in a way that only takes into account how much fun it is to play AS them, but not how fun it is to go against them.
    Mind you, I'm not saying they're OP, just exhausting to go against.

    Many of them have an ability that completely ignores survivor skill and basically guarantees a hit if you're semi-competent at the killer, which can already feel frustrating enough for the survivors. On top of that, the only reliable counter as survivor is usually to use the most brain dead, skill-less strategy there is and just hold W to the next loop. Which isn't fun for the survivors OR the killer.
    The way they are designed takes the fun out of looping by making mind-games obsolete, and doesn't really reward skilled play on either side.

    I'd be much more forgiving if this was a one-time screw up, but the fact that they have released multiple killers in a row following the same pattern, seemingly without learning from their mistakes, just makes me lose all hope for future chapters.

  16. I’ve been told to “end it” on DBD more than any other game- and yes that includes COD and MK. I love getting people mad but MAN it’s WAY too easy on dbd. And people say this game isn’t dying when Queues are getting longer and you can literally look at steam charts and see it’s dying.😂 I wonder if it’s cause of the terrible community often being 1 sided babies. You can’t blame the IPs, cause this game is oozing in that part

  17. Dbd has become stale, boring and the developers exist in their own little world. They never listen to the community and they can't decide if the game should be competitive or casual. I slowly drifted away from playing until finally I uninstalled it yesterday after seeing the patch notes.


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